Embedded Systems

The Scale4Edge RISC-V Ecosystem

by Wolf­gang Ecker, Peer Adelt, Wolf­gang Mueller, Rein­hold Heck­mann, Milos Krstic, Vladimir Herdt, Rolf Drech­sler, Ger­hard Angst, Ralf Wim­mer, An­dreas Maud­erer, Rafael Stahl, Karsten Em­rich, Daniel Mueller-Gritschneder, Bernd Becker, Philipp Scholl, Eyck Jentzsch, Jan Schlamelcher, Kim Grüttner, Paul Palom­ero Bernardo, Oliver Bring­mann, Mi­haela Damian, Ju­lian Op­per­mann, An­dreas Koch, Jörg Bor­mann, Jo­hannes Partzsch, Chris­t­ian Mayr, and Wolf­gang Kunz
In 2022 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE), pages 808-813, 2022.


This paper in­tro­duces the pro­ject Scale4Edge. The pro­ject is fo­cused on en­abling an ef­fec­tive RISC-V ecosys­tem for op­ti­miza­tion of edge ap­pli­ca­tions. We de­scribe the basic com­po­nents of this ecosys­tem and in­tro­duce the en­vi­sioned demon­stra­tors, which will be used in their eval­u­a­tion.