Embedded Systems



A Hard­ware-as­sisted Ap­proach for Non-in­va­sive and Fine-grained Mem­ory Power Man­age­ment in MCUs

by Michael Kuhn, Patrick Schmid, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2025 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE), 2025.

Key­words: Com­puter ar­chi­tec­ture, Em­bed­ded Sys­tems, En­ergy ef­fi­ciency, Low-power elec­tron­ics, Mem­ory ar­chi­tec­ture


GOURD: Ten­soriz­ing Stream­ing Ap­pli­ca­tions to Gen­er­ate Multi-In­stance Com­pute Plat­forms

by Patrick Schmid, Paul Palom­ero Bernardo, Christoph Gerum, and Oliver Bring­mann
In IEEE Trans­ac­tions on Com­puter-Aided De­sign of In­te­grated Cir­cuits and Sys­tems 43(11): 4166-4177, 2024.

Key­words: In­te­grated cir­cuits, Ac­tu­a­tors, De­sign au­toma­tion, Shape, Mem­ory ar­chi­tec­ture, Fo­cus­ing, Edge AI, Hard­ware, Sen­sors, Data or­ches­tra­tion, hard­ware plat­form gen­er­a­tion, mul­ti­di­men­sional data flow, syn­chro­niza­tion

SCOPE: A Syn­thetic Multi-Modal Dataset for Col­lec­tive Per­cep­tion In­clud­ing Phys­i­cal-Cor­rect Weather Con­di­tions

by Jörg Gamerdinger, Sven Teufel, Patrick Schulz, Stephan Amann, Jan-Patrick Kirch­ner, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2024 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems Con­fer­ence (IEEE ITSC 2024), 2024.

MR3D-Net: Dy­namic Multi-Res­o­lu­tion 3D Sparse Voxel Grid Fu­sion for Li­DAR-Based Col­lec­tive Per­cep­tion

by Sven Teufel, Jörg Gamerdinger, Georg Volk, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2024 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems Con­fer­ence (IEEE ITSC 2024), 2024.

Key­words: Col­lec­tive Per­cep­tion, Data Fu­sion, Li­DAR-Based Ob­ject De­tec­tion

LSM: A Com­pre­hen­sive Met­ric for As­sess­ing the Safety of Lane De­tec­tion Sys­tems in Au­tonomous Dri­ving

by Jörg Gamerdinger, Sven Teufel, Stephan Amann, Georg Volk, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2024 IEEE 100th Ve­hic­u­lar Tech­nol­ogy Con­fer­ence:(VTC2024-Fall), 2024.

En­ergy-Ef­fi­cient Seizure De­tec­tion Suit­able for Low-Power Ap­pli­ca­tions

by Julia Werner, Bhavya Kohli, Paul Palom­ero Bernardo, Christoph Gerum, and Oliver Bring­mann
In IEEE In­ter­na­tional Joint Con­fer­ence on Neural Net­works (IJCNN), 2024.

Sim­u­la­tion and De­tec­tion of Bus-Off At­tacks in CAN

by Jo Laufen­berg, Heiner Graser, Thomas Kropf, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2024 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Ve­hi­cles Sym­po­sium (IV) (IEEE IV 2024), 2024.

Col­lec­tive Per­cep­tion Datasets for Au­tonomous Dri­ving: A Com­pre­hen­sive Re­view

by Sven Teufel, Jörg Gamerdinger, Jan-Patrick Kirch­ner, Georg Volk, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2024 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Ve­hi­cles Sym­po­sium (IV) (IEEE IV 2024), 2024.

Using the Ab­stract Com­puter Ar­chi­tec­ture De­scrip­tion Lan­guage to Model AI Hard­ware Ac­cel­er­a­tors

by Mika Markus Müller, Alexan­der Richard Man­fred Borst, Kon­stan­tin Lübeck, Alexan­der Louis-Fer­di­nand Jung, and Oliver Bring­mann
Peer-re­viewed pub­li­ca­tion, 2024.

A scal­able risc-v hard­ware plat­form for in­tel­li­gent sen­sor pro­cess­ing

by Paul Palom­ero Bernardo, Patrick Schmid, Oliver Bring­mann, Mo­hammed Iftekhar, Babak Sadiye, Wolf­gang Mueller, An­dreas Koch, Eyck Jentzsch, Axel Sauer, Ingo Feld­ner, and oth­ers
In 2024 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE), pages 1–5, 2024.

It’s all about PR – Smart Bench­mark­ing AI Ac­cel­er­a­tors using Per­for­mance Rep­re­sen­ta­tives

by Alexan­der Louis-Fer­di­nand Jung, Jan­nik Stein­metz, Jonathan Gietz, Kon­stan­tin Lübeck, and Oliver Bring­mann
Peer-re­viewed pub­li­ca­tion, 2024.

In­te­gra­tion and Op­ti­miza­tion of EV Charg­ing Processes in a De­cen­tral­ized Local En­ergy Trad­ing Mar­ket

by Christoph Groβ, Tin Stri­bor Sohn, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2024 IEEE In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Omni-layer In­tel­li­gent Sys­tems (COINS), pages 1–7, 2024.

Key­words: Charg­ing sta­tions, Op­ti­miza­tion, Power grids, Smart con­tracts, Elec­tric ve­hi­cle charg­ing, In­tel­li­gent sys­tems, Pro­cure­ment


To­wards Sus­tain­able En­ergy Com­mu­ni­ties: Local Op­ti­miza­tion of Bat­tery Usage in P2P En­ergy Trad­ing

by Christoph Groß, Flo­rian Gehring, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2023 IEEE In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Omni-layer In­tel­li­gent Sys­tems (COINS), pages 1–7. IEEE, 2023.

Pre­cise Lo­cal­iza­tion Within the GI Tract by Com­bin­ing Clas­si­fi­ca­tion of CNNs and Time-Se­ries Analy­sis of HMMs

by Julia Werner, Christoph Gerum, Moritz Reiber, Jörg Nick, and Oliver Bring­mann
In In­ter­na­tional Work­shop on Ma­chine Learn­ing in Med­ical Imag­ing, pages 174–183, 2023.

Key­words: Med­ical Image Analy­sis, Wire­less Cap­sule En­doscopy, GI Tract Lo­cal­iza­tion

Im­pacts of Image Com­pres­sion on the De­tec­tion Qual­ity of a Novel Real-Time Image Pro­cess­ing Plat­form

by Jan­nik Mehrke, Georg Volk, Yan­nik Stumpp, Oliver Bring­mann, and Anestis Terzis
In 2023 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems Con­fer­ence (IEEE ITSC 2023), 2023.

En­hanc­ing Ro­bust­ness of Li­DAR-Based Per­cep­tion in Ad­verse Weather Using Point Cloud Aug­men­ta­tions

by Sven Teufel, Jörg Gamerdinger, Georg Volk, Christoph Gerum, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2023 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Ve­hi­cles Sym­po­sium (IV) (IEEE IV 2023), 2023.

Key­words: Ro­bust Per­cep­tion, LiDAR Ob­ject De­tec­tion, Data Aug­men­ta­tion, Ad­verse Weather

Col­lec­tive PV-RCNN: A Novel Fu­sion Tech­nique using Col­lec­tive De­tec­tions for En­hanced Local Li­DAR-Based Per­cep­tion

by Sven Teufel, Jörg Gamerdinger, Georg Volk, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2023 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems Con­fer­ence (IEEE ITSC 2023), 2023.

Key­words: Col­lec­tive Per­cep­tion, Data Fu­sion, Li­DAR-Based Ob­ject De­tec­tion

Ac­count­ing for the Spe­cial Role of In­fra­struc­ture-as­sisted Col­lec­tive Per­cep­tion

by Flo­rian Schiegg, Anna-Lisa Rueeck, and Jörg Gamerdinger, Hugues Tchouankem, Edmir Xhoxhi, and Georg Volk
In 2023 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems Con­fer­ence (IEEE ITSC 2023), 2023.

Key­words: Col­lec­tive Per­cep­tion, Data Fu­sion, RSU, V2X

An­a­lyz­ing track man­age­ment strate­gies for multi ob­ject track­ing in co­op­er­a­tive au­tonomous dri­ving sce­nar­ios

by Jörg Gamerdinger, Sven Teufel, Georg Volk, Anna-Lisa Rüeck, and Oliver Bring­mann
In at - Au­toma­tisierung­stech­nik 71: 287-294, 2023.

CoLD Fu­sion: A Real-Time Ca­pa­ble Spline-Based Fu­sion Al­go­rithm for Col­lec­tive Lane De­tec­tion

by Jörg Gamerdinger, Sven Teufel, Georg Volk, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2023 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Ve­hi­cles Sym­po­sium (IV) (IEEE IV 2023), 2023.

Key­words: Lane De­tec­tion, Col­lec­tive Per­cep­tion, Au­tonomous Dri­ving, Data Fu­sion

CAN Sim­u­la­tion Frame­work - From Clas­sic CAN to CAN XL

by Jo Laufen­berg, Thomas Kropf, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2023 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems Con­fer­ence (IEEE ITSC 2023), 2023.

At­tack Sim­u­la­tion and Adap­ta­tion in CAN for Train­ing and Eval­u­a­tion of IDS

by Jo Laufen­berg, Su­sanne Throner, Thomas Kropf, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2023 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Ve­hi­cles Sym­po­sium (IV) (IEEE IV 2023), 2023.


Hard­ware Ac­cel­er­a­tor and Neural Net­work Co-Op­ti­miza­tion for Ul­tra-Low-Power Audio Pro­cess­ing De­vices

by Christoph Gerum, Adrian Frischknecht, Paul Palom­ero Bernardo, To­bias Hald, Kon­stan­tin Lübeck, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2022 25th Eu­romi­cro Con­fer­ence on Dig­i­tal Sys­tem De­sign (DSD), pages 1-8, 2022.

Key­words: Ma­chine Learn­ing, Neural Net­works, Au­toML, Neural Ar­chi­tec­ture Search

Work-in-Progress: Ul­tra-fast yet Ac­cu­rate Per­for­mance Pre­dic­tion for Deep Neural Net­work Ac­cel­er­a­tors

by Kon­stan­tin Lübeck, Alexan­der Louis-Fer­di­nand Jung, Felix Wedlich, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2022 In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Com­pil­ers, Ar­chi­tec­tures, and Syn­the­sis for Em­bed­ded Sys­tems (CASES), pages 27-28, 2022.

Key­words: Ma­chine Learn­ing, Neural Net­works, Per­for­mance Pre­dic­tion, Neur­nal Net­work Ac­cel­er­a­tors

Sim­u­lat­ing Re­al­is­tic Rain, Snow, and Fog Vari­a­tions For Com­pre­hen­sive Per­for­mance Char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of LiDAR Per­cep­tion

by Sven Teufel, Georg Volk, Alexan­der Von Bernuth, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2022 IEEE 95th Ve­hic­u­lar Tech­nol­ogy Con­fer­ence:(VTC2022-Spring), pages 1–7, 2022.

En­vi­ron­ment-aware Op­ti­miza­tion of Track-to-Track Fu­sion for Col­lec­tive Per­cep­tion

by Georg Volk, Jörg Gamerdinger, Alexan­der von Bernuth, Sven Teufel, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2022 IEEE 25th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems (ITSC) (): 2385-2392, 2022.


HW-Aware Ini­tial­iza­tion of DNN Auto-Tun­ing to Im­prove Ex­plo­ration Time and Ro­bust­ness

by Den­nis Rieber, Moritz Reiber, Oliver Bring­mann, and Hol­ger Fröning
Peer-re­viewed pub­li­ca­tion. arXiv, 2022.

Key­words: Ma­chine Learn­ing (cs.​LG), Per­for­mance (cs.​PF), FOS: Com­puter and in­for­ma­tion sci­ences, FOS: Com­puter and in­for­ma­tion sci­ences

The Scale4Edge RISC-V Ecosys­tem

by Wolf­gang Ecker, Peer Adelt, Wolf­gang Mueller, Rein­hold Heck­mann, Milos Krstic, Vladimir Herdt, Rolf Drech­sler, Ger­hard Angst, Ralf Wim­mer, An­dreas Maud­erer, Rafael Stahl, Karsten Em­rich, Daniel Mueller-Gritschneder, Bernd Becker, Philipp Scholl, Eyck Jentzsch, Jan Schlamelcher, Kim Grüttner, Paul Palom­ero Bernardo, Oliver Bring­mann, Mi­haela Damian, Ju­lian Op­per­mann, An­dreas Koch, Jörg Bor­mann, Jo­hannes Partzsch, Chris­t­ian Mayr, and Wolf­gang Kunz
In 2022 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE), pages 808-813, 2022.

A Frame­work for CAN Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and At­tack Sim­u­la­tion

by Jo Laufen­berg, Thomas Kropf, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2022 IEEE 95th Ve­hic­u­lar Tech­nol­ogy Con­fer­ence:(VTC2022-Spring), pages 1–7, 2022.


Com­pu­ta­tional In­tel­li­gence Based Op­ti­miza­tion of Hi­er­ar­chi­cal Vir­tual Power Plants

by Ste­fan Rädle, Jo­hannes Mast, Ger­lach Joachim, and Oliver Bring­mann
In En­ergy Sys­tems 12(2): 517–544. Springer Na­ture BV, 2021.

Multi-Ob­jec­tive Op­ti­mi­sa­tion of the Op­er­a­tion Sched­ule of POWER Plants Using Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence

by Jo­hannes Mast, Ste­fan Rädle, Joachim Ger­lach, and Oliver Bring­mann
In CIRED-Open Ac­cess Pro­ceed­ings Jour­nal 2020(1): 469–472. IET Dig­i­tal Li­brary, 2021.

Aug­ment­ing Image Data Sets With Water Spray Caused by Ve­hi­cles on Wet Roads

by Alexan­der von Bernuth, Georg Volk, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2021 IEEE In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems Con­fer­ence (ITSC), pages 3055–3060. IEEE, 2021.

Sce­nario-Aware Pro­gram Spe­cial­iza­tion for Tim­ing Pre­dictabil­ity

by Joscha Benz and Oliver Bring­mann
In ACM Trans. Ar­chit. Code Optim. 18(4). As­so­ci­a­tion for Com­put­ing Ma­chin­ery, 2021.

Key­words: an­a­lyz­abil­ity, worst-case ex­e­cu­tion time, Pre­dictabil­ity, tim­ing analy­sis

To­wards Re­al­is­tic Eval­u­a­tion of Col­lec­tive Per­cep­tion for Con­nected and Au­to­mated Dri­ving

by Georg Volk, Quentin De­looz, Flo­rian A. Schiegg, Alexan­der von Bernuth, An­dreas Fes­tag, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2021 IEEE In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems Con­fer­ence (ITSC), pages 1049–1056. IEEE, 2021.

APPEL - AGILA ProP­Erty and De­pen­dency De­scrip­tion Lan­guage

by Christoph Grimm, Frank Wawrzik, Alexan­der Jung, Kon­stan­tin Lue­beck, Se­bas­t­ian Post, Jo­hannes Koch, and Oliver Bring­mann
In Pro­ceed­ings Meth­o­den und Beschrei­bungssprachen zur Mod­el­lierung und Ver­i­fika­tion von Schal­tun­gen und Sys­te­men (MBMV) Work­shop 2021, 2021.

Be­hav­ior of Key­word Spot­ting Net­works Under Noisy Con­di­tions

by An­wesh Mo­hanty, Adrian Frischknecht, Christoph Gerum, and Oliver Bring­mann
In In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Ar­ti­fi­cial Neural Net­works (ICANN), 2021.

Key­words: Key­word spot­ting, High noise con­di­tions, Adap­tive batch nor­mal­iza­tion, Sinc con­vo­lu­tion net­work, Tem­po­ral con­vo­lu­tion ResNet.

Dy­namic Range and Com­plex­ity Op­ti­miza­tion of Mixed-Sig­nal Ma­chine Learn­ing Sys­tems

by Naci Pekcokguler, Do­minique Morche, Adrian Frischknecht, Christoph Gerum, An­dreas Burg, and Cather­ine De­hol­lain
In 2021 IEEE In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on Cir­cuits and Sys­tems (ISCAS), pages 1-5, 2021.

Key­words: key­word spot­ting, ana­log fea­ture ex­trac­tion, ma­chine learn­ing classifier, dy­namic range re­duc­tion, sys­tem com­plex­ity op­ti­miza­tion

Adapt­ing Im­a­geNet-Scale Mod­els to Com­plex Dis­tri­b­u­tion Shifts with Self-Learn­ing

by Evge­nia Rusak, Stef­fen Schnei­der, Peter Gehler, Oliver Bring­mann, Wieland Bren­del, and Matthias Bethge
In arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.12928, 2021.

Purely In­er­tial Nav­i­ga­tion with a Low-Cost MEMS Sen­sor Array

by Lukas Blocher, Wol­fram Mayer, Marco Arena, Dušan Radović, To­bias Hiller, Joachim Ger­lach, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2021 IEEE In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on In­er­tial Sen­sors and Sys­tems (IN­ER­TIAL), pages 1–4. IEEE, 2021.

Ac­cu­rate LLVM IR to Bi­nary CFGs Map­ping for Sim­u­la­tion of Op­ti­mized Em­bed­ded Soft­ware

by Alessan­dro Cor­naglia, Alexan­der Viehl, and Oliver Bring­mann
In In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Em­bed­ded Com­puter Sys­tems: Ar­chi­tec­tures, Mod­el­ing and Sim­u­la­tion (SAMOS), 2021.


Sta­tis­ti­cal Analy­sis of Bista­tic Radar Ground Clut­ter for Dif­fer­ent Ger­man Rural En­vi­ron­ments

by Michael Kohler, Daniel W O’Hagan, Matthias Weiss, David Weg­ner, Josef Worms, and Oliver Bring­mann
In Sen­sors 20(11): 3311. Mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary Dig­i­tal Pub­lish­ing In­sti­tute, 2020.

Em­pir­i­cal Cal­i­bra­tion Co­ef­fi­cient Es­ti­ma­tion in the Con­text of Multi-Func­tional Rf Sys­tems

by Michael Kohler, Daniel O’Hagan, Josef Worms, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2020 IEEE Radar Con­fer­ence (Radar­Con­f20), pages 1–5. IEEE, 2020.

A Mul­ti­func­tional Broad­band Re­ceiver for Bista­tic X-Band Radar Mea­sure­ments

by Michael Kohler, Vichet Duk, Matthias Weiss, Wo­j­ciech Brodowski, Josef Worms, Daniel O’Hagan, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2020 IEEE In­ter­na­tional Radar Con­fer­ence (RADAR), pages 918–922. IEEE, 2020.

Sta­tis­ti­cal Analy­sis of Bista­tic Rural Ter­rain Clut­ter

by Michael Kohler, Vichet Duk, Matthias Weiss, Josef Worms, Jochen Schell, Daniel O’Hagan, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2020 21st In­ter­na­tional Radar Sym­po­sium (IRS), pages 205–210. IEEE, 2020.

A Com­pu­ta­tional In­tel­li­gence Based Ap­proach for Op­ti­mized Op­er­a­tion Sched­ul­ing of En­ergy Plants

by Jo­hannes Mast, Ste­fan Rädle, Joachim Ger­lach, and Oliver Bring­mann
In at-Au­toma­tisierung­stech­nik 68(2): 118–129. De Gruyter Old­en­bourg, 2020.

Mul­ti­path Tem­po­ral Con­vo­lu­tional Net­work for Re­main­ing Use­ful Life Es­ti­ma­tion

by Ivan Me­len­dez-Vazquez, Rolando Doelling, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2020 IEEE In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Big Data (Big Data), pages 4137–4146. IEEE, 2020.

Lemons: Lever­ag­ing Model-Based Tech­niques to En­able Non-In­tru­sive Se­man­tic En­rich­ment in Wire­less Sen­sor Net­works

by Jan No­vacek, Arthur Kühlwein, Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2020 46th Eu­romi­cro Con­fer­ence on Soft­ware En­gi­neer­ing and Ad­vanced Ap­pli­ca­tions (SEAA), pages 561–568. IEEE, 2020.

Ex­plo­ration of Com­pu­ta­tional In­tel­li­gence Strate­gies for In­creas­ing the De­gree of Self-Suf­fi­ciency of Mi­cro­grids

by Ste­fan Rae­dle, Jo­hannes Mast, Joachim Ger­lach, and Oliver Bring­mann
In NEIS 2020; Con­fer­ence on Sus­tain­able En­ergy Sup­ply and En­ergy Stor­age Sys­tems, pages 1–8. VDE, 2020.

Gate-Level Mod­els for Fast Cross-Level Power Den­sity Es­ti­ma­tion

by Philipp Schlicker and Oliver Bring­mann
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 2020 on Great Lakes Sym­po­sium on VLSI, pages 507–512, 2020.

A Sim­ple Way to Make Neural Net­works Ro­bust against Di­verse Image Cor­rup­tions

by Evge­nia Rusak, Lukas Schott, Roland S Zim­mer­mann, Ju­lian Bit­ter­wolf, Oliver Bring­mann, Matthias Bethge, and Wieland Bren­del
In Eu­ro­pean Con­fer­ence on Com­puter Vi­sion, pages 53–69. Springer, Cham, 2020.

Se­cu­rity Re­quire­ment Mod­el­ing for a Se­cure En­ergy Trad­ing Plat­form

by Yasamin Mah­moodi, Christoph Groß, Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Alexan­der Viehl, and Oliver Bring­mann
In CYBER 2020 : The Fifth In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Cy­ber-Tech­nolo­gies and Cy­ber-Sys­tems, pages 6. IARIA, 2020.

Ul­tra­Trail: A Con­fig­urable Ul­tra-Low Power TC-ResNet AI Ac­cel­er­a­tor for Ef­fi­cient Key­word Spot­ting

by Paul Palom­ero Bernardo, Christoph Gerum, Adrian Frischknecht, Kon­stan­tin Lübeck, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2020 IEEE Trans­ac­tions on Com­puter-Aided De­sign of In­te­grated Cir­cuits and Sys­tems (TCAD), pages 1-12, 2020.

Col­lec­tive Per­cep­tion: A Safety Per­spec­tive

by Flo­rian A. Schiegg, Igna­cio Llatser, Daniel Bischoff, and Georg Volk
In Sen­sors 21(1): 159, 2020.

Key­words: col­lec­tive per­cep­tion, co­op­er­a­tive per­cep­tion, en­vi­ron­men­tal per­cep­tion, V2X com­mu­ni­ca­tion

A Com­pre­hen­sive Safety Met­ric to Eval­u­ate Per­cep­tion in Au­tonomous Sys­tems

by Georg Volk, Jörg Gamerdinger, Alexan­der von Bernuth, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2020 IEEE 23rd In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems (ITSC), pages 1-8, 2020.

Key­words: Mea­sure­ment, Safety, Ob­ject de­tec­tion, Au­tonomous ve­hi­cles, Roads, Real-time sys­tems, Bench­mark test­ing

en­erDAG – To­wards a DLT-based Local En­ergy Trad­ing Plat­form

by Christoph Groß, Mark Schwed, Ste­fan Mueller, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2020 In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Omni-layer In­tel­li­gent Sys­tems (COINS), pages 1–8. IEEE, 2020.

Im­prov­ing Ro­bust­ness against Com­mon Cor­rup­tions by Co­vari­ate Shift Adap­ta­tion

by Stef­fen Schnei­der, Evge­nia Rusak, Luisa Eck, Oliver Bring­mann, Wieland Bren­del, and Matthias Bethge
In Ad­vances in Neural In­for­ma­tion Pro­cess­ing Sys­tems 33, 2020.

In­creas­ing the Ro­bust­ness of DNNs against Image Cor­rup­tions by Play­ing the Game of Noise

by Evge­nia Rusak, Lukas Schott, Roland S Zim­mer­mann, Ju­lian Bit­ter­wolf, Oliver Bring­mann, Matthias Bethge, and Wieland Bren­del
Peer-re­viewed pub­li­ca­tion, 2020.

In­tru­sion De­tec­tion Sys­tem for CAN using Sim­ple Neural Net­works

by Jo Laufen­berg, Thomas Kropf, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 30th Eu­ro­pean Safety and Re­li­a­bil­ity Con­fer­ence and 15th Prob­a­bilis­tic Safety As­sess­ment and Man­age­ment Con­fer­ence (ES­REL2020 PSAM15), pages 68-75, 2020.

Au­to­mated Graph-Based Fault In­jec­tion Into Vir­tual Pro­to­types for Ro­bust­ness Eval­u­a­tion

by Jo Laufen­berg, Thomas Kropf, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 25 IEEE Eu­ro­pean Test Sym­po­sium ETS (): , 2020.

Au­to­mated Graph-Guided Fault In­jec­tion Strate­gies for Ro­bust­ness Eval­u­a­tion using Vir­tual Pro­to­types

by Jo Laufen­berg, Thomas Kropf, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 30th Eu­ro­pean Safety and Re­li­a­bil­ity Con­fer­ence and 15th Prob­a­bilis­tic Safety As­sess­ment and Man­age­ment Con­fer­ence (ES­REL2020 PSAM15), pages 2701-2708, 2020.

A New Method for De­tect­ing Leaks in MEMS Ac­celerom­e­ters at Wafer-Level

by Ul­rich Baehr, Mar­vin Freier, Matthew Lewis, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2020 IEEE Sen­sors, pages 1–4. IEEE, 2020.

Fre­quency In­duced Stic­tion for MEMS Ac­celerom­e­ters

by Ul­rich Baehr, Mar­vin Freier, Matthew Lewis, Markus Linck-Les­canne, Chris­t­ian Budak, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Oliver Bring­mann
In Jour­nal of Mi­cro­electro­mechan­i­cal Sys­tems 29(3): 285–295. IEEE, 2020.

An Ex­per­i­men­tal Lo­cal­iza­tion Sen­sor Plat­form for En­hanced Ini­tial Head­ing Es­ti­ma­tion

by Lukas Blocher, Fedor Bak­lanov, To­bias Hiller, Marko Rocznik, Joachim Ger­lach, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2020 IEEE In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on In­er­tial Sen­sors and Sys­tems (IN­ER­TIAL), pages 1–2. IEEE, 2020.

Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel

by Raúl Cam­posano and Oliver Bring­mann
In IEEE Trans­ac­tions on Com­puter-Aided De­sign of In­te­grated Cir­cuits and Sys­tems 39(11): 4308–4308. IEEE, 2020.

JIT-Based Con­text-Sen­si­tive Tim­ing Sim­u­la­tion for Ef­fi­cient Plat­form Ex­plo­ration

by Alessan­dro Cor­naglia, Md Shakib Hasan, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2020 25th Asia and South Pa­cific De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence (ASP-DAC), pages 369–374. IEEE, 2020.

A Timed-Value Stream Based ESL Tim­ing and Power Es­ti­ma­tion and Sim­u­la­tion Frame­work for Het­ero­ge­neous MP­SoCs

by Kim Grüttner, Philipp A Hart­mann, Tiemo Fan­drey, Kai Hylla, Daniel Lorenz, Ste­fan Hauck-Stat­tel­mann, Björn Sander, Oliver Bring­mann, Wolf­gang Nebel, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In In­ter­na­tional Jour­nal of Par­al­lel Pro­gram­ming 48(6): 957–1007. Springer US, 2020.


On­tol­ogy-Based Re­quire­ments Trans­for­ma­tion

by Jan No­vacek, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2019 In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on Sys­tems En­gi­neer­ing (ISSE), pages 1–8. IEEE, 2019.

Har­mo­niz­ing Het­ero­ge­neous Di­ag­nos­tic Data of a Ve­hi­cle Fleet for Data-Dri­ven An­a­lyt­ics

by Sid­ney Körper, Roland Her­berth, Frank Gau­terin, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2019 IEEE In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Con­nected Ve­hi­cles and Expo (ICCVE), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2019.

Delay Es­ti­ma­tion for Time Syn­chro­niza­tion of a Bista­tic Trans­fer Func­tion Mea­sure­ment Setup to Sin­gle Re­ceived Pulses

by Michael Kohler, Alexan­der Saam, Josef Worms, Daniel W O’Hagan, Jan No­vacek, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2019 Sig­nal Pro­cess­ing: Al­go­rithms, Ar­chi­tec­tures, Arrange­ments, and Ap­pli­ca­tions (SPA), pages 62–66. IEEE, 2019.

Wide­band Di­rec­tion of Ar­rival Es­ti­ma­tion Using Monopulse in Rot­man Lens Beam­space

by Michael Kohler, Alexan­der Saam, Josef Worms, Daniel W O’Hagan, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2019 In­ter­na­tional Radar Con­fer­ence (RADAR), pages 1–5. IEEE, 2019.

Ex­ter­nal Time­base Tri­als for Phase Co­herency of a Bista­tic Trans­fer Func­tion Mea­sure­ment Setup

by Michael Kohler, Matthias Weiss, Alexan­der Saam, Josef Worms, Daniel W O’Hagan, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2019 Sig­nal Pro­cess­ing Sym­po­sium (SP­Sympo), pages 319–322. IEEE, 2019.

De­vel­op­ment of a Mod­el­ling and Sim­u­la­tion Method­ol­ogy for Hi­er­ar­chi­cal En­ergy Sys­tem Sce­nar­ios

by Jo­hannes Mast, Ste­fan Rädle, Joachim Ger­lach, and Oliver Bring­mann
In In­ter­na­tional Jour­nal of Smart Grid and Clean En­ergy 8(3): 383–391, 2019.

Source-Level Power Sim­u­la­tion of IoT Firmware for En­ergy Eval­u­a­tion

by Michael Kuhn and Oliver Bring­mann
In Final Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings, pages 21, 2019.

Bridg­ing XML and UML-An Au­to­mated Frame­work.

by Arthur Kühlwein, Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Oliver Bring­mann
In MOD­EL­SWARD, pages 378–385, 2019.

Firmware Syn­the­sis for Ul­tra-Thin IoT De­vices Based on Model In­te­gra­tion

by Arthur Kühlwein, Anton Paule, Leon Hielscher, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2019 ACM/IEEE 22nd In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Model Dri­ven En­gi­neer­ing Lan­guages and Sys­tems Com­pan­ion (MOD­ELS-C), pages 339–346. IEEE, 2019.

Ex­plo­ration of Ma­chine Learn­ing Meth­ods for Pre­dict­ing the Op­er­a­tion Sched­ule of a Com­bined Heat and Power Plant

by Jo­hannes Mast, Ste­fan Rädle, Joachim Ger­lach, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2019 IEEE Milan Pow­erTech, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2019.

Ant Colony Op­ti­miza­tion for Op­ti­mized Op­er­a­tion Sched­ul­ing of Com­bined Heat and Power Plants

by Jo­hannes Mast, Ste­fan Rädle, Joachim Ger­lach, and Oliver Bring­mann
In In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on the Ap­pli­ca­tions of Evo­lu­tion­ary Com­pu­ta­tion (Part of EvoStar), pages 90–105. Springer, Cham, 2019.

Self-Su­per­vised Multi-Stage Es­ti­ma­tion of Re­main­ing Use­ful Life for Elec­tric Drive Units

by Ivan Me­len­dez, Rolando Doelling, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2019 IEEE In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Big Data (Big Data), pages 4402–4411. IEEE, 2019.

ReMCW: Re­duced Band­width FMCW Radar for Au­tonomous Dri­ving

by Kumar Vijay Mishra, Zora Slavik, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2019 53rd Asilo­mar Con­fer­ence on Sig­nals, Sys­tems, and Com­put­ers, pages 1427–1431. IEEE, 2019.

Fault Di­ag­no­sis Ap­proach for Ped­elec Drive Units Based on Sup­port Vec­tor Ma­chines

by Ivan Me­len­dez Vazquez, Rolando Doelling, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2019 In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Con­trol, Au­toma­tion and Di­ag­no­sis (ICCAD), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2019.

Ap­proaches for In­ter­fer­ence-Proof Fu­ture Radar Sys­tems

by Zora Slavik, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2019 URSI Asia-Pa­cific Radio Sci­ence Con­fer­ence (AP-RASC), pages 1–1. IEEE, 2019.

Sys­tem­atic RISC-V based Firmware De­sign

by Vladimir Herdt, Daniel Große, Rolf Drech­sler, Christoph Gerum, Alexan­der Jung, Joscha Benz, Oliver Bring­mann, Michael Schwarz, Do­minik Stof­fel, and Wolf­gang Kunz
In 2019 Forum for Spec­i­fi­ca­tion and De­sign Lan­guages, FDL 2019, Southamp­ton, United King­dom, Sep­tem­ber 2-4, 2019, 2019.

Au­to­mated Sen­sor Firmware De­vel­op­ment-Gen­er­a­tion, Op­ti­miza­tion, and Analy­sis

by Jens Rudolf, Manuel Stro­bel, Joscha Benz, Chris­t­ian Haubelt, Mar­tin Radet­zki, and Oliver Bring­mann
In MBMV 2019; 22nd Work­shop-Meth­ods and De­scrip­tion Lan­guages for Mod­el­ling and Ver­i­fi­ca­tion of Cir­cuits and Sys­tems, pages 1–12. VDE, 2019.

Fully-au­to­mated Syn­the­sis of Power Man­age­ment Con­trollers from UPF

by Dustin Pe­ter­son and Oliver Bring­mann
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 24th Asia and South Pa­cific De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence, pages 76–81. ACM, 2019.

Key­words: power de­sign, power man­age­ment, uni­fied power for­mat

En­vi­ron­ment-aware De­vel­op­ment of Ro­bust Vi­sion-based Co­op­er­a­tive Per­cep­tion Sys­tems

by Georg Volk, Alexan­der von Bernuth, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2019 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Ve­hi­cles Sym­po­sium (IV), 2019.

A Het­ero­ge­neous and Re­con­fig­urable Em­bed­ded Ar­chi­tec­ture for En­ergy-Ef­fi­cient Ex­e­cu­tion of Con­vo­lu­tional Neural Net­works

by Kon­stan­tin Lübeck and Oliver Bring­mann
In Ar­chi­tec­ture of Com­put­ing Sys­tems (ARCS 2019), 2019.

Power-Gat­ing Mod­els for Rapid De­sign Ex­plo­ration

by Dustin Pe­ter­son and Oliver Bring­mann
In 17th IEEE In­ter­na­tional New Cir­cuits and Sys­tems Con­fer­ence (In Press), 2019.

To­wards Ro­bust CNN-Based Ob­ject De­tec­tion through Aug­men­ta­tion with Syn­thetic Rain Vari­a­tions

by Georg Volk, Ste­fan Müller, Alexan­der von Bernuth, Den­nis Hospach, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2019 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems Con­fer­ence (ITSC), pages 285-292, 2019.

Bench­mark­ing Ro­bust­ness in Ob­ject De­tec­tion: Au­tonomous Dri­ving when Win­ter is Com­ing

by Clau­dio Michaelis, Ben­jamin Mitzkus, Robert Geirhos, Evge­nia Rusak, Oliver Bring­mann, Alexan­der S. Ecker, Matthias Bethge, and Wieland Bren­del
In CoRR abs/1907.07484, 2019.

Sim­u­lat­ing Photo-Re­al­is­tic Snow and Fog on Ex­ist­ing Im­ages for En­hanced CNN Train­ing and Eval­u­a­tion

by Alexan­der von Bernuth, Georg Volk, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2019 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems Con­fer­ence (ITSC), pages 41-46, 2019.

Ex­plo­ration of Ar­tif­i­cal In­tel­li­gence Ap­proaches for the In­te­gra­tion of E-Mo­bil­ity En­ergy Stor­age Sys­tems into Vir­tual Power Plants

by Ste­fan Rädle, Jo­hannes Mast, Joachim Ger­lach, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2019 IEEE Milan Pow­erTech, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2019.

Mod­el­time: Fully Au­to­mated Tim­ing Ex­plo­ration of Simulink Mod­els for Em­bed­ded Proces­sors

by Alessan­dro Cor­naglia, Shakib Hasan, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 10th GMM-Sym­po­sium Au­to­mo­tive Meets Elec­tron­ics (AmE), pages 1–6. VDE, 2019.

Si­mul­time: Con­text-Sen­si­tive Tim­ing Sim­u­la­tion on In­ter­me­di­ate Code Rep­re­sen­ta­tion for Rapid Plat­form Ex­plo­rations

by Alessan­dro Cor­naglia, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 24th Asia and South Pa­cific De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence, pages 526–531, 2019.

Ecosys­tem for Agile De­sign of Fu­ture-Proof RISC-V Based IoT-De­vices

by Leon Hielscher, Fred­erik Haxel, Arthur Kühlwein, Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Final Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings, pages 35, 2019.

Au­to­mated Sched­ul­ing for Op­ti­mal Par­al­leliza­tion to Re­duce the Du­ra­tion of Ve­hi­cle Soft­ware Up­dates

by Roland Her­berth, Sid­ney Körper, Tim Sti­esch, Frank Gau­terin, and Oliver Bring­mann
In IEEE Trans­ac­tions on Ve­hic­u­lar Tech­nol­ogy 68(3): 2921–2933. IEEE, 2019.


On­tol­ogy-Sup­ported De­sign Pa­ra­me­ter Man­age­ment for Change Im­pact Analy­sis

by Jan No­vacek, Ali Ahari, Alessan­dro Cor­naglia, Fred­erik Haxel, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2018 44th Eu­romi­cro Con­fer­ence on Soft­ware En­gi­neer­ing and Ad­vanced Ap­pli­ca­tions (SEAA), pages 9–16. IEEE, 2018.

Im­pli­ca­tions and Meth­ods for Co-Ex­ist­ing Au­to­mo­tive Radar and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems

by Zora Slavik, Oliver Bring­mann, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Yon­ina C Eldar
In 2018 52nd Asilo­mar Con­fer­ence on Sig­nals, Sys­tems, and Com­put­ers, pages 952–956. IEEE, 2018.

An Ar­ti­fi­cial Neural Net­work for Au­to­mated Fault De­tec­tion

by Evge­nia Rusak, Ju­lian Bit­ter­wolf, Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Alexan­der Viehl, and Oliver Bring­mann
Peer-re­viewed pub­li­ca­tion, pages 141–147, 2018.

Model-Guided Se­cu­rity Analy­sis of In­ter­con­nected Em­bed­ded Sys­tems.

by Yasamin Mah­moodi, Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In MOD­EL­SWARD, pages 602–609, 2018.

Using Sysml for Mod­el­ling and Code Gen­er­a­tion for Smart Sen­sor Asics

by Aljoscha Kirch­ner, Jan-Hen­drik Oet­jens, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2018 Forum on Spec­i­fi­ca­tion & De­sign Lan­guages (FDL), pages 5–16. IEEE, 2018.

De­tect­ing non-func­tional cir­cuit ac­tiv­ity in SoC de­signs

by Dustin Pe­ter­son, Yan­nick Boekle, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2018 23rd Asia and South Pa­cific De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence (ASP-DAC) (): 464-469, 2018.

Key­words: clocks, em­bed­ded sys­tems, in­te­grated cir­cuit de­sign, sys­tem-on-chip, SoC de­signs, RTL de­sign, in­ter­nal graph rep­re­sen­ta­tion, open source proces­sor, com­mer­cial RTL sim­u­la­tor, av­er­age reg­is­ter tog­gle ac­tiv­ity, exact same cir­cuit out­put, clock gat­ing ar­chi­tec­ture, com­mer­cial ASIP, non­func­tional cir­cuit ac­tiv­ity de­tec­tion, Reg­is­ters, In­te­grated cir­cuit mod­el­ing, Clocks, Data­bases, Tools, Trans­fer func­tions, Boolean func­tions

Ren­der­ing Phys­i­cally Cor­rect Rain­drops on Wind­shields for Ro­bust­ness Ver­i­fi­ca­tion of Cam­era-based Ob­ject Recog­ni­tion

by Alexan­der von Bernuth, Georg Volk, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2018 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Ve­hi­cles Sym­po­sium (IV), pages 922–927, 2018.

At­tack Sur­face Mod­el­ing and As­sess­ment for Pen­e­tra­tion Test­ing of IoT Sys­tem De­signs

by Yasamin Mah­moodi, Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2018 21st Eu­romi­cro Con­fer­ence on Dig­i­tal Sys­tem De­sign (DSD), pages 177–181. IEEE, 2018.

Ad­vanc­ing Source-Level Tim­ing Sim­u­la­tion using Loop Ac­cel­er­a­tion

by Joscha Benz, Christoph Gerum, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2018 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE), pages 1393–1398. IEEE, 2018.

A Soft­ware Re­con­fig­urable As­ser­tion Check­ing Unit for Run-Time Error De­tec­tion.

by Y. Zhou, S. Burg, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In Eu­ro­pean Test Sym­po­sium (ETS), 2018.

CTEF: Col­lab­o­ra­tive Tech­nol­ogy Eval­u­a­tion Frame­work

by Ali Ahari, Jan No­vacek, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2018 IEEE In­ter­na­tional Sys­tems En­gi­neer­ing Sym­po­sium (ISSE), pages 1–7. IEEE, 2018.

Eval­u­at­ing Op­ti­cal Flow Vec­tors Under Vary­ing Com­puter-Gen­er­ated Snow In­ten­si­ties and Pixel Den­sity for Au­tonomous Ve­hi­cles

by Vikas Agrawal, Mar­cel Frueh, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2018 48th An­nual IEEE/IFIP In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on De­pend­able Sys­tems and Net­works Work­shops (DSN-W), pages 247–254. IEEE, 2018.

Mis­sion Pro­file-Based As­sess­ment of Semi­con­duc­tor Tech­nolo­gies for Au­to­mo­tive Ap­pli­ca­tions

by Ali Ahari, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Mi­cro­elec­tron­ics Re­li­a­bil­ity 91: 129–138. Perg­a­mon, 2018.

An Ar­ti­fi­cial Neural Net­work for Au­to­mated Fault De­tec­tion

by Ju­lian Bit­ter­wolf, Evge­nia Rusak, Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Alexan­der Viehl, and Oliver Bring­mann
Peer-re­viewed pub­li­ca­tion, pages 141, 2018.

Rapid Sen­si­tiv­ity Curve Mea­sure­ment for MEMS Ac­celerom­e­ters

by Ul­rich Baehr, Mar­vin Freier, Matthew Lewis, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2018 12th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Sens­ing Tech­nol­ogy (ICST), pages 77–82. IEEE, 2018.

Mea­sure­ments Re­veal­ing Chal­lenges in Radar Sen­sor Mod­el­ing for Vir­tual Val­i­da­tion of Au­tonomous Dri­ving

by Mar­tin Holder, Philipp Rosen­berger, Her­mann Win­ner, Thomas D’hondt, Vamsi Prakash Makka­p­ati, Michael Maier, Hel­mut Schreiber, Zoltan Magosi, Zora Slavik, Oliver Bring­mann, and oth­ers
In 2018 21st In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems (ITSC), pages 2616–2622. IEEE, 2018.


Dig­i­tal Space Sys­tems En­gi­neer­ing through Se­man­tic Data Mod­els

by To­bias Hoppe, Har­ald Eisen­mann, Alexan­der Viehl, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2017 IEEE In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Soft­ware Ar­chi­tec­ture (ICSA), pages 93–96. IEEE, 2017.

SEMF-The Se­man­tic En­gi­neer­ing Mod­el­ing Frame­work

by To­bias Hoppe, Har­ald Eisen­mann, Alexan­der Viehl, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 5th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Model-Dri­ven En­gi­neer­ing and Soft­ware De­vel­op­ment (MOD­EL­SWARD), pages 293–301, 2017.

Shift­ing from Data Han­dling to Knowl­edge En­gi­neer­ing in Aero­space In­dus­try

by To­bias Hoppe, Har­ald Eisen­mann, Alexan­der Viehl, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2017 IEEE In­ter­na­tional Sys­tems En­gi­neer­ing Sym­po­sium (ISSE), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2017.

Con­text-sen­si­tive tim­ing au­tomata for fast source level sim­u­la­tion

by Se­bas­t­ian Ot­t­lik, Christoph Gerum, Alexan­der Viehl, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Oliver Bring­mann
In De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion, DATE 2017, Lau­sanne, Switzer­land, March 27-31, 2017, pages 512–517, 2017.

Ver­i­fi­ca­tion of Com­po­nent Fault Trees Using Error Ef­fect Sim­u­la­tions

by Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Marc Zeller, Kai Höfig, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on Model-Based Safety and As­sess­ment, pages 212–226. Springer, Cham, 2017.

Rea­son­ing-Sup­ported Ro­bust­ness Val­i­da­tion of Au­to­mo­tive E/E Com­po­nents

by Jan No­vacek, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In In­ter­na­tional Jour­nal of Se­man­tic Com­put­ing 11(04): 473–496. World Sci­en­tific Pub­lish­ing Com­pany, 2017.

Tim­ing Mod­els for Fast Em­bed­ded Soft­ware Per­for­mance Analy­sis

by Oliver Bring­mann, Christoph Gerum, and Se­bas­t­ian Ot­t­lik
In Hand­book of Hard­ware/Soft­ware Code­sign, pages 655–682, 2017.

Con­strain­ing Graph-based Test Case Gen­er­a­tion by Fit­ness Land­scap­ing

by Ste­fan Mueller, Jo Laufen­berg, Joachim Gel­rach, Thomas Kropf, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2017 De­sign, Au­toma­tion Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence Ex­hi­bi­tion DATE – REES Work­shop, pages 52-54, 2017.

Func­tional Safety of Sen­sor Sys­tems in a Vir­tual Dri­ving En­vi­ron­ment

by Den­nis Hospach, Ste­fan Mueller, and Oliver Bring­mann
In AAET - Au­toma­tisiertes und ver­net­ztes Fahren, pages 49–66, 2017.

En­ergy-Ef­fi­ciency Op­ti­miza­tion of Torque Vec­tor­ing Con­trol for Bat­tery Elec­tric Ve­hi­cles

by Ste­fan Koehler, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In IEEE In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems Mag­a­zine 9(3): 59–74. IEEE, 2017.

Ways of Im­prov­ing the Pre­ci­sion of Eye Track­ing Data: Con­trol­ling the In­flu­ence of Dirt and Dust on Pupil De­tec­tion

by W. Fuhl, T. C. Kübler, D. Hospach, O. Bring­mann, W. Rosen­stiel, and E. Kas­neci
In Jour­nal of Eye Move­ment Re­search 10(3), 2017.

Guided Sys­tems En­gi­neer­ing by Pro­filed On­tolo­gies

by To­bias Hoppe, Har­ald Eisen­mann, Alexan­der Viehl, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2017 IEEE In­ter­na­tional Sys­tems En­gi­neer­ing Sym­po­sium (ISSE), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2017.

Ver­i­fi­ca­tion of Com­po­nent Fault Trees Using Error Ef­fect Sim­u­la­tions

by Oliver Bring­mann and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Model-Based Safety and As­sess­ment: 5th In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium, IMBSA 2017, Trento, Italy, Sep­tem­ber 11–13, 2017, Pro­ceed­ings 10437: 212. Springer, 2017.


Lever­ag­ing FDSOI through Body Bias Do­main Par­ti­tion­ing and Bias Search

by Jo­hannes Max­i­m­il­ian Kühn, Hide­haru Amano, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2016 53nd ACM/EDAC/IEEE De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence (DAC), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2016.

Eine Tcl-Basierte Meth­ode Zur Fehler­in­jek­tion Und Fehleref­fek­t­sim­u­la­tion/-Em­u­la­tion Auf Xil­inx-Fp­gas

by T. Schweizer, M. Sim­sek, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings Meth­o­den Und Beschrei­bungssprachen Zur Mod­el­lierung Und Ver­i­fika­tion von Schal­tun­gen Und Sys­te­men (MBMV) Work­shop 2016, 2016.

Linebased End-to-Dis­play En­cryp­tion for Se­cure Doc­u­ments

by S. Burg, P. Chan­nake­shava, and O. Bring­mann
In IEEE In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Iden­tity, Se­cu­rity and Be­hav­ior Analy­sis, 2016.

Flex­i­ble In-Sil­i­con Check­ing of Run-Time Pro­gram­ma­ble As­ser­tions.

by Y. Zhou, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In On-Line Test­ing and Ro­bust Sys­tem De­sign (IOLTS), 2016.

Im­pact Analy­sis of AU­TOSAR En­ergy Sav­ing Mech­a­nisms for Au­to­mo­tive Net­works

by Wei Hong, Alexan­der Viehl, Juguang Lin, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2016 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Ve­hi­cles Sym­po­sium (IV), pages 1097–1102. IEEE, 2016.

SCDML: A Lan­guage for Con­cep­tual Data Mod­el­ing in Model-Based Sys­tems En­gi­neer­ing

by Chris­t­ian Hen­nig, To­bias Hoppe, Har­ald Eisen­mann, Alexan­der Viehl, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2016 4th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Model-Dri­ven En­gi­neer­ing and Soft­ware De­vel­op­ment (MOD­EL­SWARD), pages 184–192. IEEE, 2016.

Trace-Based Con­text-Sen­si­tive Tim­ing Sim­u­la­tion Con­sid­er­ing Ex­e­cu­tion Path Vari­a­tions

by Se­bas­t­ian Ot­t­lik, Jan Micha Bor­rmann, Sadik As­bach, Alexan­der Viehl, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2016 21st Asia and South Pa­cific De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence (ASP-DAC), pages 159–165. IEEE, 2016.

A Method­ol­ogy for De­riv­ing Con­cep­tual Data Mod­els from Sys­tems En­gi­neer­ing Arte­facts

by Chris­t­ian Hen­nig, Har­ald Eisen­mann, Alexan­der Viehl, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2016 4th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Model-Dri­ven En­gi­neer­ing and Soft­ware De­vel­op­ment (MOD­EL­SWARD), pages 497–508. IEEE, 2016.

Safety Con­sid­er­a­tion in State-Based Power Op­ti­miza­tion with Par­tial Net­work­ing-A Case Study

by Wei Hong, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2016 IEEE 19th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems (ITSC), pages 2325–2330. IEEE, 2016.

Ac­cel­er­at­ing Source-Level Tim­ing Sim­u­la­tion

by Simon Schulz and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2016 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE), pages 1574–1579. IEEE, 2016.

An Ap­pli­ca­tion Case Study of State-Based Power Op­ti­miza­tion with Par­tial Net­work­ing

by Wei Hong, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2016 IEEE 19th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems (ITSC), pages 2313–2318. IEEE, 2016.

Adap­tive Con­trol of the Heat­ing Sys­tem for Op­ti­mized En­ergy Con­sump­tion in Elec­tric Ve­hi­cles

by Rhea Valentina, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2016 Eu­romi­cro Con­fer­ence on Dig­i­tal Sys­tem De­sign (DSD), pages 607–612. IEEE, 2016.

Sim­u­la­tions­basierte Analyse En­ergi­etech­nis­cher Sys­tem­szenar­ien

by Andy Sauter, Joachim Ger­lach, and Oliver Bring­mann
In MBMV, pages 139–150, 2016.

Com­pres­sive Sens­ing-Based Noise Radar for Au­to­mo­tive Ap­pli­ca­tions

by Zora Slavik, Alexan­der Viehl, Thomas Greiner, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2016 12th IEEE In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on Elec­tron­ics and Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions (ISETC), pages 17–20. IEEE, 2016.

MuC­CRA4-BB: A Fine-Grained Body Bi­as­ing Ca­pa­ble DRP

by Jo­hannes Max­i­m­il­ian Kühn, Akram Ben Ahmed, Hay­ate Okuhara, Hide­haru Amano, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2016 IEEE Sym­po­sium in Low-Power and High-Speed Chips (COOL CHIPS XIX), pages 1–3. IEEE, 2016.

Fault In­jec­tion Ecosys­tem for As­sisted Safety Val­i­da­tion of Au­to­mo­tive Sys­tems

by Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2016 IEEE In­ter­na­tional High Level De­sign Val­i­da­tion and Test Work­shop (HLDVT), pages 62–69. IEEE, 2016.

Com­bin­ing Graph-based Guid­ance with Error Ef­fect Sim­u­la­tion for Ef­fi­cient Safety Analy­sis

by Jo Laufen­berg, Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, Thomas Kropf, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2016 De­sign, Au­toma­tion and Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence and Ex­hi­bi­tion DATE (): 1132-1135, 2016.

In­dus­tries­pi­onage ver­hin­dern mit End-to-Dis­play-Ver­schlüsselung

by Se­bas­t­ian Burg, Kevin Körner, and Ste­fan Müller
In ATZ elek­tronik 11, pages 70-74. Springer, 2016.

Neues Konzept zur Steigerung der Zu­ver­laes­sigkeit einer ARM-basierten Prozes­so­rar­chitek­tur unter Ver­wen­dung eines CGRAs

by Kon­stan­tin Lue­beck, David Mor­gen­stern, Thomas Schweizer, Dustin Pe­ter­son, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Oliver Bring­mann
In Pro­ceed­ings Meth­o­den und Beschrei­bungssprachen zur Mod­el­lierung und Ver­i­fika­tion von Schal­tun­gen und Sys­te­men (MBMV) Work­shop 2016, 2016.

SMoSi: A frame­work for the de­riva­tion of sleep mode traces from RTL sim­u­la­tions

by Dustin Pe­ter­son and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2016 21st Asia and South Pa­cific De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence (ASP-DAC) (): 330-335, 2016.

Key­words: in­te­grated cir­cuit de­sign, in­te­grated cir­cuit mod­el­ling, low-power elec­tron­ics, SMoSi, sleep mode trace gen­er­a­tion, RTL sim­u­la­tions, idle time iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, power op­ti­miza­tion, Ports (Com­put­ers), Re­dun­dancy, Trans­fer func­tions, Boolean func­tions, Data struc­tures, Reg­is­ters, Data­bases

Sim­u­la­tion of Falling Rain for Ro­bust­ness Test­ing of Video-Based Sur­round Sens­ing Sys­tems

by Den­nis Hospach, Ste­fan Mueller, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Oliver Bring­mann
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 2016 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE), 2016.


Sys­tem­mod­el­lierung Zur Fehleref­fek­t­sim­u­la­tion

by An­dreas Burger, Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
Peer-re­viewed pub­li­ca­tion, 2015.

Ex­ploit­ing Pre­tended Net­work­ing for En­ergy Sav­ing in Au­to­mo­tive Net­works

by Wei Hong, Salman Sid­diqui, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2015 IEEE 18th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems, pages 2587–2593. IEEE, 2015.

State-Based Power Op­ti­miza­tion Using Mixed-Crit­i­cal­ity Fil­ter for Au­to­mo­tive Net­works

by Wei Hong, Otto Hucke, An­dreas Burger, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2015 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Ve­hi­cles Sym­po­sium (IV), pages 773–778. IEEE, 2015.

The next Gen­er­a­tion of Vir­tual Pro­to­typ­ing: Ul­tra-Fast yet Ac­cu­rate Sim­u­la­tion of HW/SW Sys­tems

by Oliver Bring­mann, Wolf­gang Ecker, An­dreas Ger­st­lauer, Ajay Goyal, Daniel Mueller-Gritschneder, Pras­anth Sasid­ha­ran, and Sim­ran­jit Singh
In 2015 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE), pages 1698–1707. IEEE, 2015.

Safe and Ef­fi­cient Run­time Re­source Man­age­ment in Het­ero­ge­neous Sys­tems for Au­to­mated Dri­ving

by Jan Micha Bor­rmann, Fred­erik Haxel, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2015 IEEE 18th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems, pages 353–360. IEEE, 2015.

On Lan­guages for Con­cep­tual Data Mod­el­ing in Multi-Dis­ci­pli­nary Space Sys­tems En­gi­neer­ing

by Chris­t­ian Hen­nig, Har­ald Eisen­mann, Alexan­der Viehl, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2015 3rd In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Model-Dri­ven En­gi­neer­ing and Soft­ware De­vel­op­ment (MOD­EL­SWARD), pages 384–393. IEEE, 2015.

Im­proved En­ergy Ef­fi­ciency and Ve­hi­cle Dy­nam­ics for Bat­tery Elec­tric Ve­hi­cles through Torque Vec­tor­ing Con­trol

by Ste­fan Koehler, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2015 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Ve­hi­cles Sym­po­sium (IV), pages 749–754. IEEE, 2015.

Fined-Grained Body Bi­as­ing for Fre­quency Scal­ing in Ad­vanced Soi Processes

by Jo­hannes Max­i­m­il­ian Kühn, Hide­haru Amano, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2015 IEEE Sym­po­sium in Low-Power and High-Speed Chips (COOL CHIPS XVIII), pages 1–3. IEEE, 2015.

Fast Soft­ware Per­for­mance Eval­u­a­tion for Em­bed­ded Hard­ware in Com­po­nent­based Em­bed­ded Sys­tems.

by Michael Pressler, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Soft­ware En­gi­neer­ing & Man­age­ment, pages 47–48, 2015.

Im­prov­ing ac­cu­racy of source level tim­ing sim­u­la­tion for GPUs using a prob­a­bilis­tic re­source model

by Christoph Gerum, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2015 In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Em­bed­ded Com­puter Sys­tems: Ar­chi­tec­tures, Mod­el­ing, and Sim­u­la­tion, SAMOS 2015, Samos, Greece, July 19-23, 2015, pages 18–25, 2015.

Source level per­for­mance sim­u­la­tion of GPU cores

by Christoph Gerum, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 2015 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion, DATE 2015, Greno­ble, France, March 9-13, 2015, pages 217–222, 2015.

White-Box Error Ef­fect Sim­u­la­tion for As­sisted Safety Analy­sis

by Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2015 Eu­romi­cro Con­fer­ence on Dig­i­tal Sys­tem De­sign, pages 534–538. IEEE, 2015.

Fehleref­fek­t­sim­u­la­tion Mit­tels Virtueller Pro­to­typen

by S Re­iter, M Becker, O Bring­mann, A Burger, M Chaari, R Drech­sler, W Ecker, T Kruse, C Kuznik, J Laufen­berg, and oth­ers
In 27. Work­shop Für Test­meth­o­den Und Zu­verlässigkeit von Schal­tun­gen Und Sys­te­men (TuZ 2015), 2015.

Graph Guided Error Ef­fect Sim­u­la­tion

by Jo Laufen­berg, Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2015 Em­bed­ded Sys­tems Week ESWeek (): , 2015.

Spa­tial and tem­po­ral gran­u­lar­ity lim­its of body bi­as­ing in UTBB-FD­SOI

by Jo­hannes M. Kühn, Dustin Pe­ter­son, Hide­haru Amano, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2015 De­sign, Au­toma­tion Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE) (): 876-879, 2015.

Key­words: cir­cuit analy­sis com­put­ing, re­con­fig­urable ar­chi­tec­tures, sil­i­con-on-in­su­la­tor, tem­po­ral gran­u­lar­ity, UTBB-FD­SOI, SOI tech­nol­ogy, per­for­mance char­ac­ter­is­tics, elec­tri­cal task, sub­strate po­ten­tial, dy­namic volt­age scal­ing, finer is­land sizes, body bias is­lands, body bias com­bi­na­tions, en­ergy ef­fi­ciency, tim­ing con­straints, com­bi­na­tion based analy­sis tool, op­ti­mized body bias is­land par­ti­tions, body bi­as­ing lev­els, op­ti­mized body bias as­sign­ments, dy­namic body bi­as­ing, dy­nam­i­cally switch­ing body bi­ases, power con­sump­tion, ad­di­tional cir­cuitry, switch­ing over­heads, ap­pli­ca­tion spe­cific switch­ing strate­gies, fre­quency scal­ing sce­nario, for­ward body bi­as­ing, dy­namic re­con­fig­urable proces­sor, DRP de­sign, Switches, Lay­out, Clocks, Op­ti­miza­tion, De­lays, Power de­mand

End-to-Dis­play En­cryp­tion: A Pixel-Do­main En­cryp­tion with Se­cu­rity Ben­e­fit

by Se­bas­t­ian Burg, Dustin Pe­ter­son, and Oliver Bring­mann
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 3rd ACM Work­shop on In­for­ma­tion Hid­ing and Mul­ti­me­dia Se­cu­rity, pages 123–128. ACM, 2015.

Key­words: en­cryp­tion, mul­ti­me­dia, phys­i­cal se­cu­rity, se­cu­rity

Frame­work for Var­ied Sen­sor Per­cep­tion in Vir­tual Pro­to­types

by Ste­fan Mueller, Den­nis Hospach, Joachim Ger­lach, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Meth­o­den und Beschrei­bungssprachen zur Mod­el­lierung und Ver­i­fika­tion von Schal­tun­gen und Sys­te­men (MBMV), 2015.

Ro­bust­ness Eval­u­a­tion and Im­prove­ment for Vi­sion-based Ad­vanced Dri­ver As­sis­tance Sys­tems

by Ste­fan Mueller, Den­nis Hospach, Joachim Ger­lach, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In IEEE In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems Con­fer­ence (ITSC), 2015.


De­pend­able Mul­ti­core Ar­chi­tec­tures at Nanoscale: The View from Eu­rope

by Marco Ot­tavi, Sal­va­tore Pontarelli, Dim­itris Gi­zopou­los, Cris­tiana Bol­chini, Maria K Michael, Lorena Anghel, Mehdi Tahoori, An­to­nis Paschalis, Pedro Re­viriego, Oliver Bring­mann, and oth­ers
In IEEE De­sign & Test 32(2): 17–28. IEEE, 2014.

HVAC Sys­tem Mod­el­ing for Range Pre­dic­tion of Elec­tric Ve­hi­cles

by Rhea Valentina, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2014 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Ve­hi­cles Sym­po­sium Pro­ceed­ings, pages 1145–1150. IEEE, 2014.


by S. Burg, O. Bring­mann, and T. Kropf
In Pro­ceed­ings of SAT Com­pe­ti­tion 2014: Solver and Bench­mark De­scrip­tions B-2014-2. De­part­ment of Com­puter Sci­ence Se­ries of Pub­li­ca­tions, 2014.

LoCEG: Local Pre­pro­cess­ing in SAT-Solv­ing through Counter-Ex­am­ple Gen­er­a­tion

by S. Burg, P. Heck­eler, S. Hus­ter, H. Eichel­berger, J. Behrend, J. Ruf, T. Kropf, and O. Bring­mann
In Work­shop Meth­o­den Und Beschrei­bungssprachen Zur Mod­el­lierung Und Ver­i­fika­tion von Schal­tun­gen Und Sys­te­men 17, 2014.

Ro­tated Par­al­lel Map­ping: A Novel Ap­proach for Map­ping Data Par­al­lel Ap­pli­ca­tions on CGRAs

by S. Schulz, T. Schweizer, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Re­Con­Fig­urable Com­put­ing and FPGAs (Re­Con­Fig), 2014.


by S. Burg, O. Bring­mann, and T. Kropf
In Pro­ceed­ings of SAT Com­pe­ti­tion 2014: Solver and Bench­mark De­scrip­tions B-2014-2. De­part­ment of Com­puter Sci­ence Se­ries of Pub­li­ca­tions, 2014.

Con­text-Sen­si­tive Tim­ing Sim­u­la­tion of Bi­nary Em­bed­ded Soft­ware

by Se­bas­t­ian Ot­t­lik, Ste­fan Stat­tel­mann, Alexan­der Viehl, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Oliver Bring­mann
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 2014 In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Com­pil­ers, Ar­chi­tec­ture and Syn­the­sis for Em­bed­ded Sys­tems, pages 1–10, 2014.

Torque Vec­tor­ing Sys­tems to Im­prove En­ergy-Ef­fi­ciency and Ve­hi­cle Dy­nam­ics

by Ste­fan Köhler, Se­bas­t­ian Droll, Oliver Bring­mann, and Urban Brun­ner
In ATZelek­tronik world­wide 9(1): 46–53. Springer Fachme­dien Wies­baden, 2014.

Torque-Vec­tor­ing-Sys­teme Zur Verbesserung von En­ergieef­fizienz Und Fahr­dy­namik

by Ste­fan Köhler, Se­bas­t­ian Droll, Oliver Bring­mann, and Urban Brun­ner
In ATZelek­tronik 9(1): 64–71. Springer Fachme­dien Wies­baden, 2014.

Con­straint-Based Plat­form Vari­ants Spec­i­fi­ca­tion for Early Sys­tem Ver­i­fi­ca­tion

by An­dreas Burger, Alexan­der Viehl, An­dreas Braun, Finn Haedicke, Daniel Große, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2014 19th Asia and South Pa­cific De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence (ASP-DAC), pages 800–805. IEEE, 2014.

Bat­tery Aging Es­ti­ma­tion for Eco-Dri­ving Strat­egy and Elec­tric Ve­hi­cles Sus­tain­abil­ity

by Rhea Valentina, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In IECON 2014-40th An­nual Con­fer­ence of the IEEE In­dus­trial Elec­tron­ics So­ci­ety, pages 5622–5627. IEEE, 2014.

An ESL Tim­ing & Power Es­ti­ma­tion and Sim­u­la­tion Frame­work for Het­ero­ge­neous SoCs

by Kim Grüttner, Philipp A Hart­mann, Tiemo Fan­drey, Kai Hylla, Daniel Lorenz, Ste­fan Stat­tel­mann, Björn Sander, Oliver Bring­mann, Wolf­gang Nebel, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2014 In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Em­bed­ded Com­puter Sys­tems: Ar­chi­tec­tures, Mod­el­ing, and Sim­u­la­tion (SAMOS XIV), pages 181–190. IEEE, 2014.

STEL­LaR - A Case-Study on Sys­tem­at­i­cally Em­bed­ding a Traf­fic Light Recog­ni­tion

by Jan Micha Bor­rmann, Fred­erik Haxel, Den­nis Nienhüser, Alexan­der Viehl, J Mar­ius Zöllner, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 17th In­ter­na­tional IEEE Con­fer­ence on In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems (ITSC), pages 1258–1265. IEEE, 2014.

Ex­e­cu­tion Cost Es­ti­ma­tion for Soft­ware De­ploy­ment in Com­po­nent-Based Em­bed­ded Sys­tems

by Michael Pressler, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 17th In­ter­na­tional ACM Sig­soft Sym­po­sium on Com­po­nent-Based Soft­ware En­gi­neer­ing, pages 123–128, 2014.

Sich­er­stellen Se­man­tis­cher In­tegrität Im Big Data Um­feld-Prob­lem­stel­lung Und Lösungsansatz

by To­bias Hoppe, Har­ald Eisen­mann, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Chris­t­ian Hen­nig
In In­for­matik 2014. Gesellschaft für In­for­matik eV, 2014.

Mis­sion Pro­file Gestützter En­twurf von Au­to­mo­bilelek­tronik

by An­dreas Burger, Go­eran Jerke, Ste­fan Straube, Daniel Hahn, Ul­rich Abelein, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In EDA Work­shop, Han­nover, 2014.

En­ergy-Ef­fi­cient Torque Dis­tri­b­u­tion for Axle-In­di­vid­u­ally Pro­pelled Elec­tric Ve­hi­cles

by Ste­fan Koehler, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2014 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Ve­hi­cles Sym­po­sium Pro­ceed­ings, pages 1109–1114. IEEE, 2014.

Vir­tual Pro­to­typ­ing Eval­u­a­tion Frame­work for Au­to­mo­tive Em­bed­ded Sys­tems En­gi­neer­ing.

by Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, An­dreas Burger, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Simu­Tools, pages 1–10, 2014.

Safety Eval­u­a­tion of Au­to­mo­tive Elec­tron­ics Using Vir­tual Pro­to­types: State of the Art and Re­search Chal­lenges

by J-H Oet­jens, Nico Ban­now, Markus Becker, Oliver Bring­mann, An­dreas Burger, Moomen Chaari, Samar­jit Chakraborty, Rolf Drech­sler, Wolf­gang Ecker, Kim Grüttner, and oth­ers
In 2014 51st ACM/EDAC/IEEE De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence (DAC), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2014.

Mis­sion Pro­file Aware Ro­bust­ness As­sess­ment of Au­to­mo­tive Power De­vices

by Thomas Nir­maier, An­dreas Burger, Manuel Har­rant, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Georg Pelz
In 2014 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2014.

Sim­u­la­tion and eval­u­a­tion of the in­flu­ence of sen­sor char­ac­ter­is­tics on vi­sion based Ad­vanced Dri­ver As­sis­tance Sys­tems

by Den­nis Hospach, Ste­fan Mueller, Joachim Ger­lach, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In IEEE In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on In­tel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems, 2014.


Test­ing re­li­a­bil­ity tech­niques for SoCs with fault tol­er­ant CGRA by using live FPGA fault in­jec­tion

by Jo­hannes M. Kühn, Thomas Schweizer, Dustin Pe­ter­son, Thommy Kuhn, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2013 In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Field-Pro­gram­ma­ble Tech­nol­ogy (FPT) (): 462-465, 2013.

Key­words: fault tol­er­ance, field pro­gram­ma­ble gate ar­rays, in­te­grated cir­cuit re­li­a­bil­ity, logic de­sign, re­con­fig­urable ar­chi­tec­tures, re­dun­dancy, sys­tem-on-chip, field pro­gram­ma­ble gate array, dy­namic func­tional ver­i­fi­ca­tion, dy­namic remap­ping, TMR tech­nique, triple mod­u­lar re­dun­dancy tech­nique, SoC de­sign, sys­tem on chip de­sign, coarse grained re­con­fig­urable ar­chi­tec­tures, fault in­jec­tion method, live FPGA, fault tol­er­ant CGRA, test­ing re­li­a­bil­ity tech­nique, Tun­nel­ing mag­ne­tore­sis­tance, Re­li­a­bil­ity, Sys­tem-on-chip, Cir­cuit faults, Con­text, Com­puter ar­chi­tec­ture, Field pro­gram­ma­ble gate ar­rays

Re­li­a­bil­ity As­sess­ment of Safety-Rel­e­vant Au­to­mo­tive Sys­tems in a Model-Based De­sign Flow

by Se­bas­t­ian Re­iter, Michael Pressler, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2013 18th Asia and South Pa­cific De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence (ASP-DAC), pages 417–422. IEEE, 2013.

A Fast and Ac­cu­rate FPGA-Based Fault In­jec­tion Sys­tem

by Thomas Schweizer, Dustin Pe­ter­son, Jo­hannes M. Kühn, Thommy Kuhn, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2013 IEEE 21st An­nual In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on Field-Pro­gram­ma­ble Cus­tom Com­put­ing Ma­chines (): 236-236, 2013.

Key­words: fault sim­u­la­tion, field pro­gram­ma­ble gate ar­rays, hard­ware de­scrip­tion lan­guages, in­te­grated cir­cuit re­li­a­bil­ity, logic de­sign, net­work rout­ing, fast FPGA-based fault in­jec­tion sys­tem, ac­cu­rate FPGA-based fault in­jec­tion sys­tem, RTL, port struc­ture, placed and routed FPGA de­sign, RT/gate-level cir­cuit de­scrip­tion, ISCAS’89 bench­mark cir­cuits, VHDL netlist, LEON3 sys­tem, fault in­jec­tion tool, re­com­pi­la­tion process, Cir­cuit faults, Field pro­gram­ma­ble gate ar­rays, Em­u­la­tion, Logic gates, Hard­ware, Li­braries, Ports (Com­put­ers), FPGA syn­the­sis, fault in­jec­tion, fault em­u­la­tion, re­li­a­bil­ity

Ad­vanced Dri­ver As­sis­tance Sys­tem for Op­ti­mized Re­cu­per­a­tion under Con­sid­er­a­tion of Pa­ra­me­ter Un­cer­tain­ties

by Ste­fan Koehler, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2013 IEEE In­tel­li­gent Ve­hi­cles Sym­po­sium (IV), pages 738–743. IEEE, 2013.

Ein Tem­plate-basierter Ansatz zur au­toma­tisierten Gener­ierung von Sys­temC-Mod­ellen aus IP-XACT-Beschrei­bun­gen

by Ste­fan Mueller, Yumin Zhou, Axel Braun, Joachim Ger­lach, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Meth­o­den und Beschrei­bungssprachen zur Mod­el­lierung und Ver­i­fika­tion von Schal­tun­gen und Sys­te­men (MBMV), 2013.

Ad­vanced Fea­tures for In­dus­try-Level Log­ging and Trac­ing of C-Based De­signs

by Wei Hong, Jyoti Joshi, Alexan­der Vieh, Nico Ban­now, An­gela Kramer, Hen­drik Post, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 2013 Forum on Spec­i­fi­ca­tion and De­sign Lan­guages (FDL), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2013.

Shared Mem­ory Aware MPSoC Soft­ware De­ploy­ment

by Timo Schönwald, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2013 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE), pages 1771–1776. IEEE, 2013.

StML: Bridg­ing the gap be­tween FPGA de­sign and HDL cir­cuit de­scrip­tion

by Dustin Pe­ter­son, Oliver Bring­mann, Thomas Schweizer, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2013 In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Field-Pro­gram­ma­ble Tech­nol­ogy (FPT) (): 278-285, 2013.

Key­words: field pro­gram­ma­ble gate ar­rays, hard­ware de­scrip­tion lan­guages, in­te­grated cir­cuit de­sign, FPGA de­sign, HDL cir­cuit de­scrip­tion, StML, cir­cuit par­ti­tion, bidi­rec­tional map­pings, sta­tic map­ping li­brary, EDA tool li­brary, hard­ware de­bug­ging, RTL-based in­jec­tion, area over­head, cir­cuit gran­u­lar­ity, fault in­jec­tion method, Field pro­gram­ma­ble gate ar­rays, In­te­grated cir­cuit mod­el­ing, Hard­ware de­sign lan­guages, Li­braries, Lay­out, Wires, Rout­ing

Sys­temC In­fra­struc­ture and Ex­ten­sions

by Bas­t­ian Haet­zer, Mar­tin Radet­zki, Anirudh Kaushik, Hiren D Patel, Wei Hong, Jyoti Joshi, Alexan­der Viehl, Nico Ban­now, An­gela Kramer, Hen­drik Post, and oth­ers
Peer-re­viewed pub­li­ca­tion, 2013.


De­pend­able Em­bed­ded Sys­tems: The Ger­man Re­search Foun­da­tion DFG Pri­or­ity Pro­gram SPP 1500

by Jorg Henkel, Oliver Bring­mann, An­dreas Herk­ers­dorf, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and Nor­bert Wehn
In 2012 17th IEEE Eu­ro­pean Test Sym­po­sium (ETS), pages 1–1. IEEE Com­puter So­ci­ety, 2012.

Par­al­lel Video-Based Traf­fic Sign Recog­ni­tion on the Intel SCC Many-Core Plat­form

by Jan Micha Bor­rmann, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 2012 Con­fer­ence on De­sign and Ar­chi­tec­tures for Sig­nal and Image Pro­cess­ing, pages 1–2. IEEE, 2012.

Op­ti­mized Soft­ware Map­ping for Ad­vanced Dri­ver As­sis­tance Sys­tems

by Timo Schönwald, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 7th IEEE In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on In­dus­trial Em­bed­ded Sys­tems (SIES’12), pages 181–190. IEEE, 2012.

CULT: A Uni­fied Frame­work for Trac­ing and Log­ging C-Based De­signs

by Wei Hong, Alexan­der Viehl, Nico Ban­now, Chris­t­ian Ker­stan, Hen­drik Post, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 2012 Sys­tem, Soft­ware, SoC and Sil­i­con Debug Con­fer­ence, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2012.

Com­bin­ing In­struc­tion Set Sim­u­la­tion and Wcet Analy­sis for Em­bed­ded Soft­ware Per­for­mance Es­ti­ma­tion

by Ste­fan Stat­tel­mann, Se­bas­t­ian Ot­t­lik, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 7th IEEE In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on In­dus­trial Em­bed­ded Sys­tems (SIES’12), pages 295–298. IEEE, 2012.

Model-Based Gen­er­a­tion of a Fast and Ac­cu­rate Vir­tual Ex­e­cu­tion Plat­form for Soft­ware-In­ten­sive Real-Time Em­bed­ded Sys­tems

by Jochen Zim­mer­mann, Mar­tin Küster, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In SASIMI: 17th Work­shop on Syn­the­sis And Sys­tem In­te­gra­tion of Mixed In­for­ma­tion Tech­nolo­gies, Beppu, Japan, pages 180–185, 2012.

En­ergy Ef­fi­cient Dri­ving and Op­er­a­tion Strate­gies Based on Sit­u­a­tion Aware­ness and Rea­son­ing

by Den­nis Nienhüser, To­bias Bär, Ralf Kohlhaas, Thomas Schamm, Jochen Zim­mer­mann, Thomas Gumpp, Mar­cus Strand, Oliver Bring­mann, and Jo­hann Mar­ius Zöllner
Peer-re­viewed pub­li­ca­tion. Old­en­bourg Wis­senschaftsver­lag GmbH Halle Ger­many, 2012.

Model-Dri­ven Vir­tual Pro­to­typ­ing for Real-Time Sim­u­la­tion of Dis­trib­uted Em­bed­ded Sys­tems

by Jochen Zim­mer­mann, Ste­fan Stat­tel­mann, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 7th IEEE In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on In­dus­trial Em­bed­ded Sys­tems (SIES’12), pages 201–210. IEEE, 2012.

Analy­sis of Multi-Do­main Sce­nar­ios for Op­ti­mized Dy­namic Power Man­age­ment Strate­gies

by Jochen Zim­mer­mann, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiely
In 2012 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE), pages 862–865. IEEE, 2012.

Stereo Depth Map Com­pu­ta­tion on a Tilera TILEPro64 Em­bed­ded Mul­ti­core Proces­sor

by Timo Schönwald, Alexan­der Koch, Ben­jamin Ranft, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 2012 Con­fer­ence on De­sign and Ar­chi­tec­tures for Sig­nal and Image Pro­cess­ing, pages 1–2. IEEE, 2012.

Hy­brid Source-Level Sim­u­la­tion of Data Caches Using Ab­stract Cache Mod­els

by Ste­fan Stat­tel­mann, Ger­not Geb­hard, Christoph Cull­mann, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2012 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE), pages 376–381. IEEE, 2012.

To­wards Ac­cu­rate Source-Level An­no­ta­tion of Low-Level Prop­er­ties Ob­tained from Op­ti­mized Bi­nary Code

by Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, Oliver Bring­mann, Ste­fan Stat­tel­mann, and Alexan­der Viehl
In Lec­ture Notes in Elec­tri­cal En­gi­neer­ing. Springer, 2012.

Dis­tance-Con­strained Force-Di­rected Process Map­ping for Mpsoc Ar­chi­tec­tures

by Timo Schönwald, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2012 15th Eu­romi­cro Con­fer­ence on Dig­i­tal Sys­tem De­sign, pages 592–599. IEEE, 2012.

Op­ti­mized Re­cu­per­a­tion Strat­egy for (Hy­brid) Elec­tric Ve­hi­cles Based on In­tel­li­gent Sen­sors

by Ste­fan Koehler, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2012 12th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Con­trol, Au­toma­tion and Sys­tems, pages 218–223. IEEE, 2012.

Meta-Mod­el­ling the Sys­temC Stan­dard for Com­po­nent-Based Em­bed­ded Sys­tem De­sign

by Mar­tin Küster, Alexan­der Viehl, An­dreas Burger, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 1st In­ter­na­tional Work­shop on Meta­mod­el­ling and Code Gen­er­a­tion for Em­bed­ded Sys­tems (MeCoES), S, pages 35–40, 2012.

Meta Con­straints for Con­sis­tency Checks of Em­bed­ded Sys­tem Spec­i­fi­ca­tions

by An­dreas Burger, Wolf­gang Ecker, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In ESWeek Work­shop MeCoES, pages 58–66, 2012.

Op­ti­mal En­ergy Man­age­ment and Re­cov­ery for FEV

by Kos­mas Knoedler, Jochen Stein­mann, Syl­vain Laver­sanne, Stephen Jones, Arno Huss, Emre Kural, David Sanchez, Oliver Bring­mann, and Jochen Zim­mer­mann
In 2012 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE), pages 683–684. IEEE, 2012.


Test­ing with Vir­tual Pro­to­types

by A Braun, O Bring­mann, and W Ros­ten­stiel
In Elek­tronik au­to­mo­tive Spe­cial Issue MOST, pages 49–51, 2011.

De­sign and Ar­chi­tec­tures for De­pend­able Em­bed­ded Sys­tems

by Jörg Henkel, Lars Bauer, Joachim Becker, Oliver Bring­mann, Uwe Brinkschulte, Samar­jit Chakraborty, Michael Engel, Rolf Ernst, Her­mann Härtig, Lars Hedrich, and oth­ers
In Pro­ceed­ings of the Sev­enth IEEE/ACM/IFIP In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Hard­ware/Soft­ware Code­sign and Sys­tem Syn­the­sis, pages 69–78, 2011.

Dom­i­na­tor Ho­mo­mor­phism Based Code Match­ing for Source-Level Sim­u­la­tion of Em­bed­ded Soft­ware

by Ste­fan Stat­tel­mann, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of the Sev­enth IEEE/ACM/IFIP In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Hard­ware/Soft­ware Code­sign and Sys­tem Syn­the­sis, pages 305–314, 2011.

Au­tonomous Multi-Proces­sor-SoC Op­ti­miza­tion with Dis­trib­uted Learn­ing Clas­si­fier Sys­tems XCS

by An­dreas Bernauer, Gun­nar Arndt, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 8th ACM In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Au­to­nomic Com­put­ing, pages 213–216, 2011.

Fast and Ac­cu­rate Source-Level Sim­u­la­tion of Soft­ware Tim­ing Con­sid­er­ing Com­plex Code Op­ti­miza­tions

by Ste­fan Stat­tel­mann, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2011 48th ACM/EDAC/IEEE De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence (DAC), pages 486–491. IEEE, 2011.

Fast and Ac­cu­rate Re­source Con­flict Sim­u­la­tion for Per­for­mance Analy­sis of Multi-Core Sys­tems

by Ste­fan Stat­tel­mann, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2011 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2011.

State of the Art Ver­i­fi­ca­tion Method­olo­gies in 2015

by Allan Crone, Oliver Bring­mann, Christophe Cheval­laz, Bryan Dick­man, Volkan Esen, and Michael Rohleder
In 2011 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope, pages 1–1. IEEE, 2011.


Ro­bus­theit Na­noelek­tro­n­is­cher Schal­tun­gen Und Sys­teme

by Mar­tin Radet­zki, Oliver Bring­mann, Wolf­gang Nebel, Markus Ol­brich, Felix Salfelder, and Ulf Schlicht­mann
In Zu­verlässigkeit und En­twurf, 2010.

Model-Based Vir­tual Pro­to­typ­ing for Early Au­to­mo­tive Soft­ware Sys­tems Eval­u­a­tion

by Jochen Zim­mer­mann, Michael Pressler, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 1st Work­shop on Model Based En­gi­neer­ing for Em­bed­ded Sys­tems De­sign (M-BED), 2010.

Com­bin­ing Soft­ware and Hard­ware LCS for Light­weight On-Chip Learn­ing

by A. Bernauer, J. Zep­pen­feld, O. Bring­mann, A. Herk­ers­dorf, and W. Rosen­stiel
In DIPES/BICC 2010, IFIP AICT 329, pages 279–290. The orig­i­nal pub­li­ca­tion is avail­able at http://​spr​inge​rlin​k.​com/​content/​5h8​5381​3308​8670​6/, 2010.

Vir­tual Pro­to­typ­ing in Der Hard­ware- Und Soft­ware-En­twick­lung Ver­net­zter Steuergeräte

by An­dreas Braun, Ste­fan Lämmer­mann, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Au­toTest 2010, 2010.

De­sign of an Au­to­mo­tive Traf­fic Sign Recog­ni­tion Sys­tem Tar­get­ing a Multi-Core SoC Im­ple­men­ta­tion

by Matthias Müller, Axel Braun, Joachim Ger­lach, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, Den­nis Nienhüser, J Mar­ius Zöllner, and Oliver Bring­mann
In 2010 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE 2010), pages 532–537. IEEE, 2010.

Ex­plor­ing the Po­ten­tial of Using Mul­ti­ple E-Sci­ence In­fra­struc­tures with Emerg­ing Open Stan­dards-Based e-Health Re­search Tools

by Mor­ris Riedel, Bernd Schuller, Michael Ram­badt, M Shah­baz Memon, A Shi­raz Memon, Achim Streit, Th Lip­pert, Ste­fan J Za­sada, Steven Manos, Peter V Coveney, and oth­ers
In 2010 10th IEEE/ACM In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Clus­ter, Cloud and Grid Com­put­ing, pages 341–348. IEEE, 2010.

Re­con­struct­ing Line Ref­er­ences from Op­ti­mized Bi­nary Code for Source-Level An­no­ta­tion

by Ste­fan Stat­tel­mann, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2010 Forum on Spec­i­fi­ca­tion & De­sign Lan­guages (FDL 2010), pages 1–6. IET, 2010.

Sim­u­la­tion-Based Ver­i­fi­ca­tion of the MOST Net­inter­face Spec­i­fi­ca­tion Re­vi­sion 3.0

by An­dreas Braun, Oliver Bring­mann, Djones Let­tnin, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2010 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion (DATE 2010), pages 538–543. IEEE, 2010.

Prun­ing Pop­u­la­tion Size in XCS for Com­plex Prob­lems

by Bar­bara Rak­itsch, An­dreas Bernauer, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In The 2010 In­ter­na­tional Joint Con­fer­ence on Neural Net­works (IJCNN), pages 1–8. IEEE, 2010.


In­te­gra­tion of High-Level Syn­the­sis in ESL Plat­form Mod­el­ing by Au­to­mated Gen­er­a­tion of Pro­to­col Adapters

by J. Zim­mer­mann, O. Bring­mann, A. Braun, and W. Rosen­stiel
In In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Cir­cuits and Sys­tems (IC­C­CAS09), San Jose, USA), 2009.

ESL Power Analy­sis of Em­bed­ded Proces­sors for Tem­per­a­ture and Re­li­a­bil­ity Es­ti­ma­tions

by Björn Sander, Jürgen Schn­err, and Oliver Bring­mann
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 7th IEEE/ACM In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Hard­ware/Soft­ware Code­sign and Sys­tem Syn­the­sis, pages 239–248, 2009.

White Box Per­for­mance Analy­sis Con­sid­er­ing Sta­tic Non-Pre­emp­tive Soft­ware Sched­ul­ing

by Alexan­der Viehl, Michael Pressler, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2009 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion, pages 513–518. IEEE, 2009.

Schnelle, Zyk­len­ge­naue Abschätzung Der Leis­tungsauf­nahme Einge­bet­teter Prozes­soren Auf Sys­te­mebene

by B. Sander, J. Schn­err, O. Bring­mann, T. Schweizer, and W. Rosen­stiel
In Work­shop 2009 - Elec­tronic De­sign Au­toma­tion (EDA), 2009.

TRAN­SYSC­TOR: A Gen­eral Method­ol­ogy and Frame­work for Rule-Based Trans­for­ma­tion and Refac­tor­ing of Sys­temC De­signs

by Alexan­der Viehl, Jor­dan Dukadi­nov, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 15th Work­shop on Syn­the­sis And Sys­tem In­te­gra­tion of Mixed In­for­ma­tion Tech­nolo­gies (SASIMI), 2009.

Bot­tom-up Per­for­mance Analy­sis Con­sid­er­ing Time Slice Based Soft­ware Sched­ul­ing at Sys­tem Level

by Alexan­der Viehl, Michael Pressler, and Oliver Bring­mann
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 7th IEEE/ACM In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Hard­ware/Soft­ware Code­sign and Sys­tem Syn­the­sis, pages 423–432, 2009.

Net­work-on-Chip Ar­chi­tec­ture Ex­plo­ration Frame­work

by Timo Schon­wald, Jochen Zim­mer­mann, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2009 12th Eu­romi­cro Con­fer­ence on Dig­i­tal Sys­tem De­sign, Ar­chi­tec­tures, Meth­ods and Tools, pages 375–382. IEEE, 2009.

Generic Self-Adap­ta­tion to Re­duce De­sign Ef­fort for Sys­tem-on-Chip

by A. Bernauer, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In IEEE In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Self-Adap­tive and Self-Or­ga­niz­ing Sys­tems, pages 126–135, 2009.

AIS–Au­tonomous In­te­grated Sys­tems

by From Volker Schöber, Oliver Bring­mann, An­dreas Herk­ers­dorf, Wal­ter Stechele, Nor­bert Wehn, Matthias May, Daniel Ziener, Ab­del­ma­jid Boua­jila, Daniel Baldin, Jo­hannes Zep­pen­feld, and oth­ers
In Newslet­ter Eda­cen­trum 4: 05–13. EDA Pub­lisher, 2009.


In­te­grated Re­quire­ment Eval­u­a­tion of Non-Func­tional Sys­tem-on-Chip Prop­er­ties

by Viehl, Sander, Bring­mann, and Rosen­stiel
In Forum on Spec­i­fi­ca­tion & De­sign Lan­guages (FDL), 2008.

Com­bi­na­tion of In­struc­tion Set Sim­u­la­tion and Ab­stract RTOS Model Ex­e­cu­tion for Fast and Ac­cu­rate Tar­get Soft­ware Eval­u­a­tion

by Matthias Krause, Do­minik En­glert, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 6th IEEE/ACM/IFIP In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Hard­ware/Soft­ware Code­sign and Sys­tem Syn­the­sis, pages 143–148, 2008.

Holis­tic Sys­tem Mod­el­ing and Re­fine­ment of In­ter­con­nected Mi­cro­elec­tronic Sys­tems

by Zim­mer­mann, Bring­mann, Ger­lach, Schäfer, and Nageldinger
In MARTE Work­shop, 2008.

High-Per­for­mance Tim­ing Sim­u­la­tion of Em­bed­ded Soft­ware

by Schn­err, Bring­mann, Viehl, and Rosen­stiel
In 45th De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence (DAC), 2008.

Com­pre­hen­sive Plat­form and Com­po­nent Mod­el­ing of Het­ero­ge­neous In­ter­con­nected Sys­tems

by Jochen Zim­mer­mann, Oliver Bring­mann, Joachim Ger­lach, Flo­rian Schae­fer, and Ul­rich Nageldinger
In 2008 Forum on Spec­i­fi­ca­tion, Ver­i­fi­ca­tion and De­sign Lan­guages, pages 227–232. IEEE, 2008.

Cur­rent State of ASoC De­sign Method­ol­ogy

by An­dreas Bernauer, Dirk Fritz, Björn Sander, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Or­ganic Com­put­ing - Con­trolled Self-Or­ga­ni­za­tion 08141. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leib­niz-Zen­trum fuer In­for­matik, 2008.


Ap­p­lika­tion­sspez­i­fis­che Zu­verlässigkeits­be­w­er­tung von MP­SoCs

by Björn Sander, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
Peer-re­viewed pub­li­ca­tion, 2007.

Tim­ing Sim­u­la­tion of In­ter­con­nected AU­TOSAR Soft­ware-Com­po­nents

by Matthias Krause, Oliver Bring­mann, Andre Her­gen­han, Gokhan Ta­banoglu, and Wolf­gang Rosen­tiel
In 2007 De­sign, Au­toma­tion & Test in Eu­rope Con­fer­ence & Ex­hi­bi­tion, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2007.

En­twurf Und Ver­i­fika­tion von Hard­ware/Soft­ware - Sys­te­men

by J. Behrend, A. Braun, O. Bring­mann, M. Krause, T. Kropf, S. Lämmer­mann, P. Nalla, W. Rosen­stiel, J. Ruf, T. Schönwald, and A. Viehl u. J. Zim­mer­mann
In Ko­op­er­a­tions­markt Des Ekom­pass-Work­shops, 2007.

Fully Adap­tive Fault-Tol­er­ant Rout­ing Al­go­rithm for Net­work-on-Chip Ar­chi­tec­tures

by Timo Schon­wald, Jochen Zim­mer­mann, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 10th Eu­romi­cro Con­fer­ence on Dig­i­tal Sys­tem De­sign Ar­chi­tec­tures, Meth­ods and Tools (DSD 2007), pages 527–534. IEEE, 2007.

Con­cepts for Au­to­nomic In­te­grated Sys­tems

by Wal­ter Stechele, Oliver Bring­mann, Rolf Ernst, An­dreas Herk­ers­dorf, Katha­rina Ho­jen­ski, Peter Janacik, Franz Ram­mig, Jürgen Teich, Nor­bert Wehn, Jo­hannes Zep­pen­feld, and oth­ers
In Pro­ceed­ings of eda­Work­shop07, Mu­nich, Ger­many, 2007.

Ap­p­lika­tion­sspez­i­fis­che Zu­verlässigkeits­be­w­er­tung von Mul­ti­proces­sor Sys­tems-on-Chip Auf Sys­te­mebene

by Björn Sander, Oliver Bring­mann, Timo Schönwald, Jürgen Schn­err, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
Peer-re­viewed pub­li­ca­tion, 2007.

Re­gion-Based Rout­ing Al­go­rithm for Net­work-on-Chip Ar­chi­tec­tures

by Timo Schon­wald, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Norchip 2007, pages 1–4. IEEE, 2007.

Con­trol-Flow Aware Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Con­flict Analy­sis of Par­al­lel Processes

by Axel Sieben­born, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 2007 Asia and South Pa­cific De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence, pages 32–37. IEEE, 2007.

Au­to­nomic MP­SoCs for Re­li­able Sys­tems

by Wal­ter Stechele, Oliver Bring­mann, Rolf Ernst, An­dreas Herk­ers­dorf, Katha­rina Ho­jen­ski, Peter Janacik, Franz Ram­mig, Jürgen Teich, Nor­bert Wehn, Jo­hannes Zep­pen­feld, and oth­ers
In Pro­ceed­ings of Zu­verlässigkeit und En­twurf (ZuD 2007), pages 137–138, 2007.

Ein Hy­brider Ansatz Zur Abschätzung von Per­for­manz Und Leis­tungsver­brauch Auf Sys­te­mebene

by Alexan­der Viehl, Markus Schwarz, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
Peer-re­viewed pub­li­ca­tion, 2007.

Per­for­mance-Aware Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Ar­chi­tec­ture Syn­the­sis

by Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In 14th Work­shop on Syn­the­sis and Sys­tem In­te­gra­tion of Mixed In­for­ma­tion Tech­nolo­gies (SASIMI), 2007.

Prob­a­bilis­tic Per­for­mance Risk Analy­sis at Sys­tem-Level

by Alexan­der Viehl, Markus Schwarz, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 5th IEEE/ACM In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Hard­ware/Soft­ware Code­sign and Sys­tem Syn­the­sis, pages 185–190, 2007.


An Ar­chi­tec­ture for Run­time Eval­u­a­tion of SoC Re­li­a­bil­ity

by A. Bernauer, O. Bring­mann, W. Rosen­stiel, A. Boua­jila, W. Stechele, and A. Herk­ers­dorf
In In IN­FOR­MATIK - In­for­matik Für Men­schen, GI-Edi­tion - Lec­ture Notes in In­for­mat­ics 93: 177–185. Kölle Ver­lag, 2006.

A Sys­temC-Based Soft­ware and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Re­fine­ment Frame­work for Dis­trib­uted Em­bed­ded Sys­tems

by M. Krause, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In 13. Work­shop on Syn­the­sis and Sys­tem In­te­gra­tion of Mixed In­for­ma­tion Tech­nolo­gies, 2006.

Green­Bus - a Generic In­ter­con­nect Fab­ric for Trans­ac­tion Level Mod­el­ling

by Wolf­gang Klin­gauf, Robert Gun­zel, Oliver Bring­mann, Pavel Par­funtseu, and Mark Bur­ton
In 2006 43rd ACM/IEEE De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence, pages 905–910. IEEE, 2006.

Error De­tec­tion Tech­niques Ap­plic­a­ble in an Ar­chi­tec­ture Frame­work and De­sign Method­ol­ogy for Au­to­nomic SoC

by A. Boua­jila, A. Bernauer, A. Herk­ers­dorf, W. Rosen­stiel, O. Bring­mann, and W. Stechele
In In Yi Pan, Franz j. Ram­mig, Hart­mut Schmeck, and Mauri­cio Solar, Ed­i­tors, 1st IFIP In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Bi­o­log­i­cally In­spired Co­op­er­a­tive Com­put­ing (BICC) 216(107-113). Springer, 2006.

To­wards a Frame­work and a De­sign Method­ol­ogy for Au­to­nomic SoC

by G. Lipsa, A. Herk­ers­dorf, W. Rosen­stiel, O. Bring­mann, and W. Stechele.
In In 2nd IEEE In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Au­to­nomic Com­put­ing, 2006.

Vir­tual Pro­to­typ­ing Und Frühe Evaluierung von Sys­tems-on-Chip Mit UML2 Und SysML

by A. Viehl, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In In Pro­ceed­ing of GI/ITG/GMM Work­shop Für Meth­o­den Und Beschrei­bungssprachen Zur Mod­el­lierung Und Ver­i­fika­tion von Schal­tun­gen Und Sys­te­men, 2006.

For­mal Per­for­mance Analy­sis and Sim­u­la­tion of UML/SysML Mod­els for ESL De­sign

by A. Viehl, T. Schönwald, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In DATE, 2006.

Or­ganic Com­put­ing at the Sys­tem on Chip Level

by A. Boua­jila, J. Zep­pen­feld, W. Stechele, A. Herk­ers­dorf, A. Bernauer, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In In Pro­ceed­ings of the IFIP In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Very Large Scale In­te­gra­tion of Sys­tem on Chip (VLSI-SoC). Springer, 2006.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Re­fine­ment and Tar­get Soft­ware Gen­er­a­tion Using Sys­temC

by M. Krause, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In GI/ITG/GMM Work­shop Für Meth­o­den Und Beschrei­bungssprachen Zur Mod­el­lierung Und Ver­i­fika­tion von Schal­tun­gen Und Sys­te­men, 2006.


Sys­temC-Based Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Per­for­mance Analy­sis

by A. Braun, J. Ger­lach, W. Rosen­stiel, A. Sieben­born, and O. Bring­mann
In Forum on De­sign and Spec­i­fi­ca­tion Lan­guages - FDL 2005, 2005.

Tar­get Soft­ware Gen­er­a­tion: An Ap­proach for Au­to­matic Map­ping of Sys­temC Spec­i­fi­ca­tions onto Real-Time Op­er­at­ing Sys­tems

by Matthias Krause, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In De­sign Au­toma­tion for Em­bed­ded Sys­tems 10(4): 229–251. Kluwer Aca­d­e­mic Pub­lish­ers, 2005.

Per­for­mance Analy­sis of Se­quence Di­a­grams for SoC De­sign

by A. Viehl, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In In Pro­ceed­ings of the 2nd UML for SoC-De­sign Work­shop (UML-SoC), 42nd De­sign Au­toma­tion Con­fer­ence (DAC), pages 55–61, 2005.

Con­flict Analy­sis in Mul­ti­process Syn­the­sis for Op­ti­mized Sys­tem In­te­gra­tion

by A. Sieben­born, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Hard­ware - Soft­ware Co-De­sign and Sys­tem Syn­the­sis, CODES+ISSS, 2005.

Cycle Ac­cu­rate Bi­nary Tans­la­tion for Sim­u­la­tion Ac­cel­er­a­tion in Rapid Pro­to­typ­ing of SoCs

by J. Schn­err, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In In Pro­ceed­ings of De­sign, Au­toma­tion and Test in Eu­rope (DATE), 2005.


Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Analy­sis for Sys­tem on Chip De­sign

by A. Sieben­born, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In In Pro­ceed­ings of De­sign, Au­toma­tion and Test in Eu­rope (DATE), 2004.


Con­troller Es­ti­ma­tion for FPGA Tar­get Ar­chi­tec­tures dur­ing High-Level Syn­the­sis

by C. Menn, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In 15th In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on Sys­tem Syn­the­sis (ISSS), IEEE Com­puter So­ci­ety Press, 2002.

Worst-Case Per­for­mance Analy­sis of Par­al­lel, Com­mu­ni­cat­ing Soft­ware Processes

by A. Sieben­born, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of the Tenth In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on Hard­ware/Soft­ware Co-De­sign (CODES), 2002.


A VHDL Reuse Com­po­nent Model for Mixed Ab­strac­tion Level Sim­u­la­tion and Be­hav­ioral Syn­the­sis

by C. Hansen, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In Sys­tem-on-Chip Method­olo­gies & De­sign Lan­guages, Edited by P.J. Ashen­den, J.P. Mer­met and r. Seep­old (Buch);. Kluwer Aca­d­e­mic Pub­lish­ers, 2001.


Tar­get Ar­chi­tec­ture Ori­ented High-Level Syn­the­sis for Multi-Fpga Based Em­u­la­tion

by O. Bring­mann, C. Menn, and W. Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of De­sign, Au­toma­tion and Test in Eu­rope (DATE), 2000.

Key­words: ❓ Mul­ti­ple DOI

Hi­er­ar­chi­cal Syn­the­sis for Ap­pli­ca­tion-Spe­cific Pro­to­typ­ing Im­ple­men­ta­tions

by O Bring­mann and W Rosen­stiel
In In­for­ma­tion­stech­nik und Tech­nis­che In­for­matik 42(2): 34–39. Munchen: Old­en­bourg, 1993-c2002., 2000.

Hi­er­ar­chis­che Syn­these Für An­wen­dungsspez­i­fis­che Pro­to­type­n­im­ple­men­tierun­gen

by O. Bring­mann and W. Rosen­stiel
In It + It - In­for­ma­tion­stech­nik Und Tech­nis­che In­for­matik 42. Old­en­bourg Ver­lag, 2000.


Hi­er­ar­chis­che Syn­these Für Die Em­u­la­tion von In­te­gri­erten Steuerungssys­te­men

by O. Bring­mann and W. Rosen­stiel
In In­for­matik ’99 - 29. Jahresta­gung Der Gesellschaft Für In­for­matik, In­for­matik Ak­tuell. Springer Ver­lag, 1999.

Mixed Ab­strac­tion Level Hard­ware Syn­the­sis from SDL for Rapid Pro­to­typ­ing

by O. Bring­mann, W. Rosen­stiel, K. Muth, Färber, F. Slomka, and H. Hof­mann
In Pro­ceed­ings of 10th Work­shop on Rapid Sys­tem Pro­to­typ­ing, 1999.

A VHDL Com­po­nent Model for Mixed Ab­strac­tion Level Sim­u­la­tion and Be­hav­ioral Syn­the­sis

by C. Hansen, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In Forum on De­sign Lan­guages (FDL), 1999.


Cross-Level Hi­er­ar­chi­cal High-Level Syn­the­sis

by O. Bring­mann and W. Rosen­stiel
In Pro­ceed­ings of De­sign, Au­toma­tion and Test in Eu­rope (DATE), 1998.

Syn­chro­niza­tion De­tec­tion in Multi-Process Hi­er­ar­chi­cal Syn­the­sis

by O. Bring­mann, W. Rosen­stiel, and S. Re­ichardt
In 11th In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on Sys­tem Syn­the­sis (ISSS), 1998.


Re­source Shar­ing in Hi­er­ar­chi­cal Syn­the­sis

by O. Bring­mann and W. Rosen­stiel
In ICCAD, 1997.


De­sign of an In­ter­rupt Con­troller with AC-8 Tools at Dif­fer­ent Lev­els of Ab­strac­tion

by O. Bring­mann, J. En­gel­hart, S. Kumar, B. Mößner, and W. Rosen­stiel
In In­ter­na­tional Work­shop on Logic and Ar­chi­tec­ture Syn­the­sis, 1996.


De­vice Se­lec­tion for Sys­tem Par­ti­tion­ing

by U. Wein­mann, O. Bring­mann, and W. Rosen­stiel
In Eu­ro­dac, 1995.


COSIMA: A Self-Testable Sim­u­lated An­neal­ing Proces­sor for Uni­ver­sal Cost Func­tions

by Bern­hard Es­cher­mann, Oliver Haberl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Oliver Seitz
In Pro­ceed­ings Euro ASIC’92, pages 374–375. IEEE Com­puter So­ci­ety, 1992.

Fur­ther Doc­u­ments

Ro­bust Local and Co­op­er­a­tive Per­cep­tion Under Vary­ing En­vi­ron­men­tal Con­di­tions

by Jörg Gamerdinger, Georg Volk, Sven Teufel, Alexan­der von Bernuth, Ste­fan Müller, Den­nis Hospach, and Oliver Bring­mann
In Co­op­er­a­tively In­ter­act­ing Ve­hi­cles: Meth­ods and Ef­fects of Au­to­mated Co­op­er­a­tion in Traf­fic, pages 113–157. Springer In­ter­na­tional Pub­lish­ing, 2024.

In­creas­ing Re­li­a­bil­ity Using Adap­tive Cross-Layer Tech­niques in DRPs: Just-Safe-Enough Re­sponses to Re­li­a­bil­ity Threats

by Jo­hannes Max­i­m­il­ian Kühn, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In De­pend­able Em­bed­ded Sys­tems, pages 121–138. Springer, Cham, 2021.

Au­to­mated HW/SW Co-De­sign for Edge AI: State, Chal­lenges and Steps Ahead

by Oliver Bring­mann, Wolf­gang Ecker, Ingo Feld­ner, Adrian Frischknecht, Christoph Gerum, Timo Hämäläinen, Muham­mad Ab­dul­lah Hanif, Michael J. Klaiber, Daniel Mueller-Gritschneder, Paul Palom­ero Bernardo, Se­bas­t­ian Pre­beck, and Muham­mad Shafique
In Pro­ceed­ings of the 2021 In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Hard­ware/Soft­ware Code­sign and Sys­tem Syn­the­sis, pages 11–20. As­so­ci­a­tion for Com­put­ing Ma­chin­ery, 2021.

Sys­temc-Based Per­for­mance Analy­sis of Em­bed­ded Sys­tems

by Jürgen Schn­err, Oliver Bring­mann, Matthias Krause, Alexan­der Viehl, and Wolf­gang Rosen­tiel
In Model-Based De­sign for Em­bed­ded Sys­tems, pages 51–80. CRC Press, 2018.

Einge­bet­tete Sys­teme – En­twurf, Mod­el­lierung Und Syn­these

by Oliver Bring­mann, Wal­ter Lange, and Mar­tin Bog­dan
. De Gruyter Old­en­bourg, 2018.

Ad­vanced Sys­tem-Level De­sign for Au­to­mated Dri­ving

by Jan Micha Bor­rmann, Se­bas­t­ian Ot­t­lik, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Au­to­mated Dri­ving, pages 285–311. Springer, Cham, 2017.

Pre­cise Soft­ware Tim­ing Sim­u­la­tion Con­sid­er­ing Ex­e­cu­tion Con­texts.

by Oliver Bring­mann, Se­bas­t­ian Ot­t­lik, and Alexan­der Viehl
, 2017.

Ver­fahren und Sys­tem zur Ver­schlüsselung von Tas­tendrücken DE 10 2015 210 573 A1

by Se­bas­t­ian Burg, Oliver Bring­mann, and Dustin Pe­ter­son
In Deutsches Patent- und Marke­namt, 2016.

Ver­fahren und Fahrzeugvor­rich­tung zur Daten­fern­abfrage DE 102012008283 A1

by Dustin Pe­ter­son
In Deutsches Patent- und Marke­namt, 2012.

To­wards Ac­cu­rate Source-Level An­no­ta­tion of Low-Level Prop­er­ties Ob­tained from Op­ti­mized Bi­nary Code

by Ste­fan Stat­tel­mann, Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Sys­tem Spec­i­fi­ca­tion and De­sign Lan­guages, pages 175–190. Springer, New York, NY, 2012.

Ap­ply­ing ASoC to Multi-Core Ap­pli­ca­tions for Work­load Man­age­ment

by Jo­hannes Zep­pen­feld, Ab­del­ma­jid Boua­jila, Wal­ter Stechele, An­dreas Bernauer, Oliver Bring­mann, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and An­dreas Herk­ers­dorf
In Or­ganic Com­put­ing—A Par­a­digm Shift for Com­plex Sys­tems, pages 461–472. Springer, Basel, 2011.

Au­to­nomic Sys­tem on Chip Plat­form

by Ab­del­ma­jid Boua­jila, Jo­hannes Zep­pen­feld, Wal­ter Stechele, An­dreas Bernauer, Oliver Bring­mann, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and An­dreas Herk­ers­dorf
In Or­ganic Com­put­ing—A Par­a­digm Shift for Com­plex Sys­tems, pages 413–425. Springer, Basel, 2011.

Ver­i­fi­ca­tion of AU­TOSAR Soft­ware by Sys­temC-Based Vir­tual Pro­to­typ­ing

by Matthias Krause, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Hard­ware-De­pen­dent Soft­ware, pages 261–293. Springer, Dor­drecht, 2009.

Analy­sis of Non-Func­tional Prop­er­ties of MPSoC De­signs

by Alexan­der Viehl, Oliver Bring­mann, Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel, and oth­ers
In Lan­guages for Em­bed­ded Sys­tems and Their Ap­pli­ca­tions, pages 309–324. Springer, Dor­drecht, 2009.

A Hy­brid Ap­proach for Sys­tem-Level De­sign Eval­u­a­tion

by Alexan­der Viehl, Markus Schwarz, Oliver Bring­mann, and Wolf­gang Rosen­stiel
In Em­bed­ded Sys­tem De­sign: Top­ics, Tech­niques and Trends, pages 165–178. Springer, Boston, MA, 2007.

Method for Pro­duc­ing Com­puter-As­sisted Real-Time Sys­tems

by Ralf Münzen­berger, Frank Slomka, Matthias Dörfel, and Oliver Bring­mann
, 2006.

An Ob­ject-Ori­ented Com­po­nent Model Using Stan­dard VHDL for Mixed Ab­strac­tion Level De­sign

by C Hansen, O Bring­mann, and W Rosen­stiel
In Sys­tem-on-Chip Method­olo­gies & De­sign Lan­guages, pages 25–36. Springer, Boston, MA, 2001.