Embedded Systems

Advanced Topics in Embedded Systems

Lecturer Oliver Bringmann
Oliver Bringmann

Lecture Canceled
Instructors Adrian Frischknecht
Adrian Frischknecht

Alexander Jung
Alexander Jung

Alexander von Bernuth
Alexander von Bernuth

Christoph Gerum
Christoph Gerum

Christoph Groß
Christoph Groß

Dustin Peterson
Dustin Peterson

Evgenia Rusak
Evgenia Rusak

Georg Volk
Georg Volk

Jo Laufenberg
Jo Laufenberg

Joscha Benz
Joscha Benz

Konstantin Lübeck
Konstantin Lübeck

Michael Kuhn
Michael Kuhn

Philipp Schlicker
Philipp Schlicker

Stefan Müller
Stefan Müller

Yannick Boekle
Yannick Boekle

Amount 6 LP
Entry in course catalog Alma
Learning Platform Ilias

The lecture “Advanced Topics in Embedded Systems” cannot take place as planned in summer semester 2020.
The course is expected to take place again in summer semester 2021.


This lecture discusses current topics and trends in embedded system research with special focus on design, analysis and verification of embedded systems and Systems-on-Chip (SoCs). The lecture starts with an introduction into embedded systems architectures and electronic system level design. Then, the latest developments in analysis of non-functional properties like timing, power dissipation, and energy consumption are discussed. The lectures on verification addresses cyber-physical systems, safety verification, and robustness optimization of machine-learning based embedded systems. The lecture finally covers advanced hardware architectures for low-power implementation of deep learning approaches in hardware. Between the lectures, practical exercises in form of programming assignments will take place. The lecturers will present the relevant basics as well as recent research results in each topic.

The lecture is structured as follows:

  • Introduction into embedded systems
  • Cyber-physical systems, safety verification, and robustness optimization
  • Software timing analyses in embedded systems
  • Embedded hardware architectures and low-power deep learning architectures

Participants will acquire in-depth knowledge to different aspects in embedded systems as well as the necessary skills to design, analyse, and verify embedded systems under safety constraints. They will gain hands-on experience in embedded system design in order to avoid common pitfalls. The students will get a deeper practical understanding by working on topic-specific programming assignments.

Notice: Prerequisites are the lectures “Entwurf und Synthese Eingebetteter Systeme” or “Modellierung und Analyse Eingebetteter Systeme”.