Embedded Systems

GENIAL! - Gemeinsame Elektronik-Roadmap für Innovationen der automobilen Wertschöpfungskette

The aim of the BMBF project GENIAL! is to research a cross-value chain platform for the efficient coordination of requirements, properties and the analysis of the performance of system architectures and applications in future automobiles. The focus is on the strategic level, before actual product development, in order to be able to provide innovative and high-quality vehicle components based on the latest manufacturing technologies much earlier and more precisely than before. At the center of the University of Tübingen’s work is the development of simulation-based models for recording and predicting the performance of hardware platforms and sensor systems, taking future automotive applications into account. By integrating expert knowledge and combining it with the analytical methods of other project partners, a further refinement of the predictions of the performance of microelectronics and sensor systems will be achieved. An integration into the platform developed in the overall project enables the user to evaluate potential system architecture variants at an early stage at each level of the value chain.


The GENIAL! project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Participating Team Members

Bringmann, Oliver

Lübeck, Konstantin

Jung, Alexander